Guest House Construction

by Teresa
1 Material
We needed a guesthouse and decided to build one, we didn't have a lot of time, so we ordered a 26 x 26 foot garage package and did not order a garage door, instead ordering a large window to be framed in.
Onn day 1, we started by building a deck, which we didn't take photos of out of preserved 2x6 with no spacing between the boards. We then covered the deck with 1 inch plywood.

On day 2, we realized how lucky we are to have skid steer because there are only 2 of us and we are both "no longer 20". We lifted the 1st 2 sections of wall with the forks and secured them with braces.
We kept standing up walls and bracing them, leveling them then lag bolting the walls to the floor. We kept the skid steer in the front with the forks through the window as insurance!
We lifted the trusses up, one by one with the skid steer and placed them. the we sheeted the roof with OSB
Day 3, Shingled the roof and remembered how old my knees are.
Day 4: A windproof waterproof Tyvek wrap was put on and then we installed the windows. We installed the door and started on the..
eaves and fascia.
Day 5.. Sided.
Outside done! The front.
North side
West side
Added gardens. a small deck and a storage area off the side - accessible from inside and out.

The garage package came with everything, including nails and screws. all hardware and even the outside light.

It was also less expensive to swap out the windows and door than have the garage door.

Total cost: $2500. plus tax. ( Canadian)
Suggested materials:
  • Garage package without garage door.
Frequently asked questions
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  3 questions
  • William William on Nov 24, 2016
    How was plumbing and electrical run?
  • Judy Judy on Dec 04, 2016
    Did the total cost include electric and water? Also did you dig out for foundation posts or is it just sitting on the decking on the ground?
  • Jamie Maguire Jamie Maguire on Dec 05, 2016
    What is the web address for these kits?
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4 of 11 comments
  • Teresa Teresa on Nov 24, 2016
    Inside. And thank you!!
    comment photo
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    • See 1 previous
    • Teresa Teresa on Nov 27, 2016
      Sorry Hillela, we sold that property last summer, no more photos! But we will be building another one within the next couple of years - have to finish this house first
  • Fly2625606 Fly2625606 on Sep 12, 2018

    My neighbor has something very similar, he put a wood stove inside so he didn't need electric...also because it is used mostly during the winter when family visit for holidays
