Awingback chair redo

Diane Beverly
by Diane Beverly
seriously? upholster a chair/ that job is not for everyone more like for a professional AND I sew!!! I would never tackle that!
  9 answers
  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Nov 27, 2016

    You could totally do it!!

  • Debbie Debbie on Dec 09, 2016

    It's actually not as hard as you'd think, with the right tools. I took two semesters of an upholstery class through a community college. You take the old upholstery off carefully to use as your pattern for cutting new fabric. A good staple gun and some trim put on with hot glue, and the chair is good. You may want to add some additional new foam or batting to refresh. You will likely have to sew a new cover for the cushion (which for me is the hardest part.) Good luck!

  • Candy Walsh Candy Walsh on Dec 12, 2016

    This is not a wingback, but I had never, ever reupholstered anything before either and had no clue what I was doing, but I just researched on here and YouTube, closed my eyes and jumped! And I have to say it's one of my favorite pieces I've ever done (except for the Costco stool I recovered in vinyl after that!) You can do it for sure, it's a challenge, but so much fun and very gratifying!

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  • Candy Walsh Candy Walsh on Dec 13, 2016

    Thank you :)

  • Sunny Sunny on Jan 03, 2017

    If you do not have enough old upholstery to become a usable pattern, just lay the material over the chair upside down and pin where the seams should be. It is the same concept as using a dress form, You need to do a little tweeking of seam lines before you actually sew but it is totally doable, and surprisingly easy once you decide to try. If you are nervous, or have expensive material, do the process in unbleached muslin first. Those pieces become your pattern. I even reupholstered the worn armrests on my Mom's wheelchair in a pretty floral vinyl that made her feel "stylin"

  • Irene Gronewald Irene Gronewald on Jan 12, 2017

    easy peasy i have done coach chairs..Lounge) seats hello glue gun a few tacks maybe some minimal sewing or fold fabric back...get it cheap on bolt if you need alot check thrift stores ...start with small project 1st...i don`t know what i`m doing but sell in antique malls...they always loooovvveee my stuff...make do with what you creative

  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Jan 13, 2017

    My Grandmother was never afraid to tackle anything. A sale on upholstery material sent her on a recover spree. She followed the lines of the chair, tucking, folding over as needed, tacked everything on the bottom or back out of sight. Finished many edges with fancy thumb tacks. I learned next to nothing about sewing but sewed the dress I wore as maid of honor in her wedding. You never know what you can do until you try. Try something small first.