Suggestions on wreath made with sweater pieces. Bow, flowers, trim?

Susan S
by Susan S
i made this wreath and pillow from a sweater I got from Goodwill and felted. I think I am ok with the pillow as is, but does the wreath need more? Any suggestions as to what and where on the wreath?
Sorry the pic is cluttered. It's a work in progress.
  17 answers
  • Debbie Harris Debbie Harris on Nov 18, 2013
    Pillow is adorable and I think the wreath does need something.... Maybe a grouping of those delicate flowers that are on the pillow???
  • Victoria Victoria on Nov 19, 2013
    Very pretty. I think I would wrap the wreath with a strand of pearlized wire and keep it simple.
  • Jane Staude Jane Staude on Nov 19, 2013
    I agree with Debbie, those delicate flowers on the pillow would be perfect towards the top of the wreath. Very nice and pretty, I love it!
  • Susan S Susan S on Nov 19, 2013
    Thanks, everyone! You confirmed my feeling that the wreath did need something more. I think I have some broken strands of vintage pearls lying around here somewhere. I appreciate the input! But, if anyone has any other ideas or comments, please feel free to share with me!
  • Cynthia E Cynthia E on Nov 19, 2013
    Susan what a great job these are beautiful. I agree with you and the others a set of 2-3 flowers (maybe upper left) Maybe center of flower could be a pearl and then use your strands of pearls as ribbon just 1 or 2 pieces coming out from under flowers and trailing for a few inches.
  • Diana Diana on Nov 20, 2013
    I agree with Cynthia E that would look very pretty. Love what you have done.
  • Carol Carol on Nov 20, 2013
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE PILLOW! The wreath is really great, but I agree with everyone else that the flowers would finish it. May I suggest that you turn the wreath a bit so the existing decoration is to the bottom left, then put a few of the flowers, (or one big one) on the bottom right. This will put all the visual weight at the bottom, which is generally more appealing. Great job repurposing!
    • Susan S Susan S on Nov 20, 2013
      @Caro thanks for the advice- I will definitely try that soon. I am going to try to do all the suggestions, but I do get what you are saying and I agree. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Marlene Olson Marlene Olson on Nov 20, 2013
    They are both SO pretty! I am sensing a need for something lacey or with tulle on the wreath. A "lightness" for balance. It's quite "heavy" looking.
    • Susan S Susan S on Nov 22, 2013
      @Marlene Olson -great observation, Marlene. I will check my stash for something like that. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Cheryl @ Artzzle Cheryl @ Artzzle on Nov 20, 2013
    Hi Susan. This is beautiful. Question: Could you share with us the directions for "felting" old sweaters? Also, do you think it would ruin the look of your pillow if you somehow lightly colored just the center knob in your flower? Or could colored "pearls" be added for a little brightness? I see where just keeping it white with more flowers is great too though. Sometimes more is just ... well ... more (not better, right :) Very nice.
    • Susan S Susan S on Nov 21, 2013
      @Cheryl @ Cheryl- thanks for your comment- Felting wool sweaters is really easy. You just wash them in hot water with detergent. Let them go through the whole cycle, including spin. Put it in the dryer on hot until totally dry. This is for wool only. I find that shetland wool and cashmere work really well. If that doesn't shrink your piece and compact all the fibers until you have a very thick piece, what I have done is to put it in a pot on the stove and boil the water (you've heard of boiled wool?) and stir it around. You can boil it for 15 -20 minutes and that should do it. I then take it to the washer, put it in and set it to spin. Then I dry again in the dryer on the hottest heat. Various wools will shrink in varying degrees. If you can see the sweater below the wreath, you can see that it has cable stitches in it. Now, that sweater shrunk up so much and felted wool is so thick, I am going to try to make a pair of slippers out of it. It's a great medium to work with. I could go on and on, but you get the point! :)
  • N. Susan Hart N. Susan Hart on Nov 20, 2013
    These are beautiful. They look so cozy for winter. The pearls around the wreath is a great idea. I like the pillow as it is now.
  • Cheryl @ Artzzle Cheryl @ Artzzle on Nov 21, 2013
    Thanks, Susan. I am not a seamstress though, but do manage to make a few straight-line sewing projects ... only because I'm not fussy if it isn't really very straight :) A home ec teacher once made me redo the hems on a flour sack dishtowel three times. Ah, but to no avail, she flunked my project anyway. LOL
  • Karon Nelson Roberts Karon Nelson Roberts on Dec 02, 2013
    SNOW FLAKES!!! SNOWMANS!!! Make a few snowman and put snowflakes around them--the snowman cold be skiing or skating or something.....
  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on Mar 27, 2022

    I like the idea of you adding snowflakes or pearls to the wreath.

  • Susan S Susan S on Mar 28, 2022

    All of you who have responded have been lovely! Thank you so much! I am encouraged that you all liked it. I just wasn't sure. It's still downstairs. But, I am going to actually DO some of the things you suggested and go from there. Blessings to all of you. I bid you adieu!

  • I think it's fantastic

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec 7 hours ago

    Very nice and creative. I would tend toward delicate pale flowers, experiment with where to position them.

  • Dee Dee 3 hours ago

    Wow adorable pillow and wreath. I would add a big Green or red bow for Christmas or for other holidays, Pumpkins, Leaves, Summer flowers etc.