Is it too late to trim back my hydrangeas for the winter?

by Louise
I have 5 hydrangeas that I planted in the late fall of 2015. They did well in the spring but during our late summer drought, two of them suffered a bit. I watered them some but not as much as I should. We had no rain for over 40 days. I read that I should trim them back in the fall by about 1/3 but I never got to it. Is it too cold to do that now? I don't want to harm them. I have two different kinds of hydrangea but don't remember what kind I have. Is there a way to know by looking at the leaves? The plants still have leaves.
  5 answers
  • Louise Louise on Dec 11, 2016

    Here are 4 of my hydrangeas. Two are the puny ones and two are the better ones. Just thought you might want to see them to give advice on trimming. :-)

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  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Dec 11, 2016

    Wait until the first growth in the spring appears to be able to see the dead wood that needs to be cut out. If you prune at the wrong time or to much you will not get any flowers next year.

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Dec 11, 2016

    I have mine is large pots instead of the ground and then bring them in during cold winter months after cutting them back. I have had them for 10 years and they do well.

  • UpState UpState on Dec 12, 2016

    Don't arbitrarily cut them back ... wait till spring to see where you're getting buds (don't cut these off) .... then dive in and hack off the certain 'deadwood' with no activity.

  • Sue Kiene Sue Kiene on Dec 12, 2016

    I agree with the other ladies, since you did not get them pruned back already it is best to wait until spring and see what needs to be done to them. Good luck with your babies.