DIY Faux Reclaimed Wood Wreaths

When I saw these wood pieces at my local Restore, I had to pick them up. Usually I don't have plans for the things I find right away, but this time, I knew exactly what I was going to turn them into.
The first thing I did was paint the outside edge and the edge of the inside circle with white paint.
Then, I glued {afilink} Reclaimed Wood Paper to the front of the wood rounds. Once the glue dried, I applied a few coats of decoupage glue to the top of the paper as well. I cut the excess paper off with an X-Acto knife.
I made burlap bows and hot glued them to the top of the wreaths and hung them with twine.
These wreaths finished off a spot in our family room! They were super simple to make. You could easily make your own wood rounds to do this project too. I think they would be very sweet in a smaller version as well for the front door! See the full tutorial on my blog
Lindsay Eidahl
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Mumandp Mumandp on Oct 17, 2017

    Where did You get the Wood Paper from I have never seen or heard of this before but these are SIMPLY STUNNING!! I have got to do this if I can get My hands on some of that gorgeous paper........................

    Thanks so much for YOur time, energy, and assistance in this matter I am just in LOVE with this project!!

    Blessings from the North,

    xo Michelle

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