Manufactured home makeover, advice needed

How do you paint a kitchen in a manufactured home and make it look like a regular home?
  6 answers
  • Shawna Bailey Shawna Bailey on Dec 15, 2016

    Can you post a picture, I'd love to help you better.

    I truly believe with a little work you can make anything look like home.

  • Charly Charly on Dec 15, 2016

    If the walls still have the flat pieces of wood or plastic in between the wall panels, you'll need to remove all of them and fill in the space with tape/mesh and joint compound, sand, prime and paint as usual. It's the molding pieces between the wall panels that are a dead giveaway that it is a manufactured home. Many people pay a lot of extra money to do away with those molding pieces and use regular dry wall. If your home has vinyl wall covering you'll have to use a primer before you paint otherwise the first time someone Knicks the wall finish the paint will chip off. It sounds like a lot of work but the end result is well worth it. Good luck.

  • Leah Aubert Truesdell Leah Aubert Truesdell on Dec 16, 2016

    I purchased a mobile home about 2 years ago and I have been upgrading a little along. My kitchen was one of the rooms that have been upgraded. We did what the poster above advised doing. It came out nicely. I also had old mobile home cabinets and they were falling apart and you could tell that they were mobile home cabinets. If this is in the budget. I would suggest replacing cabinets. I purchased the wooden pre-made ones from Lowe's. I will honestly say that when you look at the pictures you can't tell that it is a mobile home if you didn't already know. We also added wood trim and molding instead of the mobile home molding. I would love to see what you have done to yours. My email is Good Luck. After the first of the year I will be working on the master bedroom and bath.

  • Jan W Jan W on Dec 18, 2016

    We removed the strips at both of our houses. Primed and painted with a high grade paint and it looks awesome, just like a regular house. Found out that neither Home Depot or Lowe's will install their cabinets, we had to hire some one to do it :(

  • Pat11183342 Pat11183342 on Dec 18, 2016

    If you put up sheet rock, I believe your adding "R" value, though very little and this is what I'd do. I think you'll spend less time fighting the seam lines, assuming your home has them.

    Another option I can think of to minimize your time working on this, is you don't cover with sheet rock but want to hide the trim that joins the panneling- buy wood trim and cover those bad boy's. The idea is to make it look like wainscoting or pannelled walls, like in a very old traditional stately home. Than paint accordingly.

  • Sheryl Sumpter Sheryl Sumpter on Jan 06, 2017

    Without turning it into a major project, your best bet is to remove the wood slats (use a razor knife as they are caulked), go slow as ripping them off creates more patch work. Get all the caulking off with a scraper. Patch with joint compound, sand, and paint or wallpaper. I have done every room in my triple wide, one at a time as I remodeled. Buy a paint that already has primer to save that step. Cost - your time, 5 gallon joint compound (for whole house) around $30, and paint of your choice.