What can I do with this bar?

Nikki Nickerson
by Nikki Nickerson
What can I possibly do with this dark, ornate bar that I inherited when i married my husband a few months ago? It's an expensive piece, so selling it is proving difficult. I'd keep it if I could only find some way to make it functional! Help!
  46 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Dec 26, 2016

    Perhaps replacing the top with granite or stone as a contrast to the darkness of the piece. If you do replace the top, you need to overhang by a few inches so people are more comfortable sitting and using it, and having some room for your knees.

    • Wendy Wenig Wendy Wenig on Dec 26, 2016

      iThis idea makes your bar much more functional as a sitting bar - proper dimension would be to add 12" to the base top for knee space. Exchanging the top for Quartz would allow you to have a beautiful, non porous surface to accent the gorgeous piece of furniture you have.

  • Ana Bacallao Ana Bacallao on Dec 26, 2016

    How about painting it in a color to match your kitchen and using it as an island r counter with a granite top....

  • Karen Rae Lvine Karen Rae Lvine on Dec 26, 2016

    That is one gorgeous piece of furniture!

    I see two ways you can convert it into a buffet. In either case, the brass pole would have to be removed, but might have an interesting spot attached to the top at the back of the "buffet" or on the wall behind it.

    First idea is to position it against a wall so that the shelves and door are exposed. That would be the easy way, but all those pretty details would be hidden.

    Second idea involves more carpentry. if there's a way to do it, turn the front panels into doors with hinges and knobs. Then you have a cleaner look that shows off the detail. Again, the brass pole would have to be moved or discarded but if you like this idea, adding it to the top at the back would give it character and you can say, "Look this used to be a bar!"

    If there was any way to cut the height down to 36 inches (counter height), it would be a nice kitchen island that wouldn't, as it is, at bar height, "take over" the kitchen quite so much.

    The wood looks beautiful but if you need to lighten it up, I'm a fan of chalk paint.

    Good luck!


  • Nikki Stewart Nikki Stewart on Dec 26, 2016

    GREAT ideas!!! Thank you! I'll keep you posted!

  • Grace Gleason Grace Gleason on Dec 26, 2016

    Wow. Your home really is "open concept". And I see nothing that says you like painted furniture. It is a beautiful bar, but the top is much too small (no overhang). And unless you do a real hatchet job on it, it will never be a decent buffet - too much fancy trim sticking out on the wrong side, and not enough doors on the other. How tall is it? Would it be too tall for a kitchen island? I'm afraid you will probably have to sell it for a lot less than he paid for it, or just put a new top on it and live with it as a bar.

  • Nikki Stewart Nikki Stewart on Dec 26, 2016

    Thank you for your thoughts!

  • Sharon Sharon on Dec 26, 2016

    Just be sure to support that top with a bracket or decorative Corbel.

  • 169756 169756 on Dec 27, 2016

    Paint it lighter and leave the dark top. I realize yours is way larger, but that is what I did with this piece and I love the lighter look. Brightens up the room.

    comment photo
    • Nikki Stewart Nikki Stewart on Dec 27, 2016

      I did the same a piece in my house, too...but this bar! I'm only 5'2" and it's overbearing!!!

      comment photo
  • Sophia,M.,McConnery Sophia,M.,McConnery on Dec 27, 2016

    You have a large kitchen?Put it in there and use it as an island.

  • Barb Barb on Dec 27, 2016

    If you don't want to keep it as a bar, I think I would would remove the doors and turn it into a book a bookcase.

  • Johnchip Johnchip on Dec 27, 2016

    I agree with a stone or marble top, but you don't have to remove anything, just get a piece to fit and set it on top.

    • Senior Chief Senior Chief on Dec 27, 2016

      Just setting a heave piece of stone on a cabinet have is not a good idea. Always secure with the proper adhesive or other technique. Talk to an installer or just have the stone cutter install it for you (they're pretty heavy to do anyway). Believe KT or not those stone tops do move/slide dangerously!

  • Marilyn Zaruba Marilyn Zaruba on Dec 27, 2016

    I am very hopeful that your new husband is fully behind this idea. Personally, I like it as it is.

    • K. K. on Dec 28, 2016

      I agree, don't do anything to this beautiful piece of furniture unless you are BOTH in complete agreement

  • Diana Deiley Diana Deiley on Dec 27, 2016

    Oh no no no! I LOVE this piece. Do not sell it. You have so many options: a new granite top, marble, butcher block, stainless steel, chalk paint. You can do anything with this. Where would you like to utilize it the most? May be a consideration for your master bathroom makeover one day! :) Just saying :)

    Best of luck.

  • Nikki Stewart Nikki Stewart on Dec 27, 2016

    I think I've convinced my hubby to lower the bar height and let me chalk paint it like this piece in the same room. I'm only 5'2", and the bar is just so overbearing!!!

    comment photo
  • 169756 169756 on Dec 27, 2016

    Small world:)

  • Ginny Ginny on Dec 27, 2016

    Leave it alone. You say it's an expensive piece so why would you want to ruin it with paint? Store it somewhere else in the house if you have the space, and time will tell you what to do with the bar. Don't be too hasty about getting rid of things you don't want now that you may want later in life.

  • K. K. on Dec 28, 2016

    I agree with Gvargo 1959

  • GBK GBK on Dec 28, 2016

    Let him build a man-land around it, lol, somewhere in the basement or garage!

  • Connie Connie on Dec 28, 2016

    If you don't like it you don't like it but if it's expensive then paint will definitely deflate the value if not ruin it. You can lighten walls, flooring etc. to bring out the beauty in the piece. A high contrast will show it off and add class to a room. Please have patience and sell it if you can't stand it but please don't paint that gorgeous workmanship.

  • Charlie Cote Charlie Cote on Dec 28, 2016

    Since it is an expensive piece, I may not paint but To lighten it up and up date it add a white quartz or marble top, extending it to actually be able to pull a stool up and sit at comfortably. On the inside I would maybe white wash the back wall, add glass shelves and led lighting to see your products. Enjoy the creativeness!

  • Charlie Cote Charlie Cote on Dec 28, 2016

    ps, add a great cowhide print to stools!

  • Tanya Tanya on Dec 28, 2016

    Push against the wall and use as a T V stand. Use the shelves for the components and DVD's and maybe something beautiful you want to display. May use beautiful baskets in open spaces. Lighten the top as some others have said and maybe add some backlighting. Or maybe use it as a buffet in your dining room. Marble or Granite would be be beautiful on top. No rule says you have to use it as a bar...repurpose I say! And even if it is an expensive piece it's your expensive piece. If the color is too dark for you and doesnt work for you and the hubs then I say chalk paint in light color ...bottom only and leave top as is. You can use a wet cloth to rub finish off to highlight any beautiful details. No sanding. Then finish off with a dark wax to really show the details. Would be easy enough to strip back to original finish when need be. Good luck deciding.

  • Linda Abate Linda Abate on Dec 28, 2016

    You could strip it down and repaint it. You could change out the doors or hardware. You could add a different color paint or wallpaper to the inside of it. I am sure there are many other things you could do. Let your imagination run wild.

  • Frostie Moma Frostie Moma on Dec 28, 2016

    You could turn it into a lovely server for the dining room. Face the open shelves outward and add doors or a curtain. Put 2 buffet lamps on the top.

  • Frostie Moma Frostie Moma on Dec 28, 2016

    and remove the foot bar so it can pushed up against the wall.

  • Kimberly Valentino Kimberly Valentino on Dec 29, 2016

    I say get some cool red chalk paint in emperors red and start to paint that bad boy...but wait!take it to the antique road show 1st!

  • Shannon Shannon on Dec 29, 2016

    Three years ago I married my husband and inherited all the following Japanese furniture pieces: 1 coffee table, 1 tea table (including 6 stools), 3 end tables and a very large 4 panel screen that has ornate detail on both sides. Additionally there are approximately 20 pieces of Japanese art in a variety of sworded men and posed ladies, a massive folding fan (similar to what can be carried in a purse and opened to cool off with.), 2 large Japanese rugs, and finally various real life swords. My personal taste is very eclectic, however I'm not at all drawn to Asian influence. As a newly wed I was very interested in finding a way to blend our personal treasures together. It was daunting, but I knew he would appreciate my efforts. I found putting art on rotation helped keep the house from having too much on the walls. I now rotate art each season and during that time I rotate various pieces of his Japanese collection in too. The tables.....the stools were used against a wall for a vignette. The oval tea table is used (without stools) as a coffee table. I told him he can take the coffee table to work. The side tables are spread out in spare bedrooms. The 4 panel screen is perfect as our headboard. Much as I wanted to give away and/or paint furniture I knew my husband wasn't ready for that. While this post does not offer you a solution, it is intended as a gentle word (from a 51 year old lady who married a bachelor very attached to his treasures).......timing is everything 😉 Good luck to you. All the other posts offer you great ideas! my personal favorites are the buffet, and/or quartz top extended out to continue being used as a bar. Definitely paint and reupholster the chairs.

    • See 1 previous
    • Shannon Shannon on Dec 31, 2016

      3 years in. He is starting to understand I really do care more about what the house looks like than he cares about it. Another 7 or so years and we might budge a little and be able to redecorate. 😜

  • RichandTammy Whiteside RichandTammy Whiteside on Dec 29, 2016

    If this is an expensive piece, take your time with it. Strip it down to the bare wood and see if it "speaks" to you. It does seem to match the wood where your tv is mounted.

    I liked the idea of removing the foot rest and pushing it against the wall but you could also place it as a divider between the kitchen and living areas so that people have a place to park when they want to talk to you while you're working in the kitchen. You could add a drop leaf to allow the elbow space needed to an actual bar that could be raised and lowered as needed.

    I don't believe that you would be decreasing the value of the bar by refinishing or painting it. As you can see in the above photo from Nikki Stewart, the end result can be quite beautiful and take away the "heaviness" of the piece.

    Looking around on line for brand new furniture that is painted and has a darker top, those puppies are quite expensive. Even if you decide not to keep it, you might find you can get a better price with a good refinishing job.

    Good luck!

  • Glen Stark Glen Stark on Dec 29, 2016

    If you have a garage, turn it into a game room and put the bar in the game room. You could also set it against a blank wall. You could sell it for a set price on e-bay.

  • Iml11831733 Iml11831733 on Dec 29, 2016

    Could your kitchen use this piece as an island? You could brighten it up with fabric cut to the size of the top and order a glass top to fit. You could cover the stools in matching fabric. You could also cut wallpaper to fit the top and again add a custom piece of glass to place over the paper and line the shelves in the same paper. Custom cut table tops are very reasonable, I have ordered several in the past.

  • CecileH CecileH on Dec 30, 2016

    I think it would make a beautiful breakfast bar! Lighten up the stools with brighter fabric and possibly laying a lighter stone counter top over top of what is there to preserve the wood and brighten the piece up!

  • Nelly Hennessy Nelly Hennessy on Dec 31, 2016

    You have a beautiful piece of furnture! It is mahogany color and vaguely see a columm on the end( which should be on the otherside. too) and brass to rest your feet while sitting. Do not change the color. You could use it as an island , in which case a glass top, could be made, bigger. than the surface which I cant see

    The shape. You could use it against the wall as a buffet turning the back to the front, and putting nice accesories or having doors made and you have extra storage. change the upholstery of the chairs to a lighter color, and a classic print.

  • Nelly Hennessy Nelly Hennessy on Dec 31, 2016

    Your kitchen counter seems very small keep it clear, add a colorful plate on a stand on the corner or ..? For color, and let it flow since you have an open plan .It looks like as a island or room divider that bar would help you gain counter space, do have glass put in, it is easy to clean. Good luck and have fun with all the possibilities to make your place unique!

  • Martin.deborah63 Martin.deborah63 on Jan 01, 2017

    What a beautiful piece! I wish I could get transported there to get a better look but what I do see is endless possibility's!

    1. Kitchen Island

    2. Guest room piece, to put all the things your guests would need.

    3. Linen chest

    4. Buffet

    5. Great piece to incorporate on a Gallery wall.

    6. Etc

    Get some graphing paper, draw out your room or rooms and play with it first. Move once and save your backs.

    Experiment with paint on scrap wood and live with it first.

    Get fabric samples as well before deciding on anything.

    Search Pinterest, houzz, about home and ehow to get your creative juices started! The comments I have read are great but sometimes it's hard to visualize, at least for me it is. Be courageous and have fun!

    Best wishes!

  • Lily Schlender Lily Schlender on Jan 01, 2017

    Such a nice piece, looks like quality workmanship. Don't change anything on this. Store it in another room your husband can make a man cave? Maybe he will get tired of it and want to sell it.

  • Irene Gronewald Irene Gronewald on Jan 12, 2017

    mirror tiles placed on inside shelves and on top ..maybe felt on edges underneath...rethink items inside...there are silvery dissposable futed glasses martini forks etc...fun smaller stack able stuff some tea lightd mecury glass items votives ..brighten up this show place with out damaging integrity of item...if cheap..i`d paint it turquoise or orange..a pop of color..with lighting to show case

  • Ltt834476 Ltt834476 on Jan 14, 2017

    This is a very beautiful piece. Look like it's just to big in the area you have it. I too wood place it against the wall to use as a Buffet, or as the bar in a game/bonus room. Even as a T V. Stand. I thought it would make a great kitchen island. As far as as the other decor items. I too would rotate the pieces, but keep that style in just one room. Maybe a guess room. The swords make great wall display pieces. Maybe even in his man cave, if he has one. Or a bathroom. I like changing my decor every year or when I need a change. Good luck!

  • Millie Millie on Jan 14, 2017

    Whatever you do with this piece, please don't use paint or cheap looking materials. This looks vintage and will make a stunning conversation piece and feature in your room. I think that while you are not tall, it would make a great pass- through during dinners or parties. If you have room in a corner of the adjacent kitchen, put a stool there too for yourself. When not in use otherwise it will make a perfect place to put any kind of arrangement to fit the season or occasion, use a laptop, the ideas are endless.

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Jan 16, 2017

    Is it to big to use as kitchen island? It doesn't have to be n middle of kitchen it can be placed at the end of cabinets, unless you already have something like that. It is beautiful. And it doesn't fit in family room?

  • Dianna Blumricl Dianna Blumricl on Jan 21, 2017

    I would keep it as a bar if possibl. It is beautifu. Yes,I would put glass on the to to protect it. Put some beautifu pieces on top to decorate it a little. If you can make in to kitchen island do it also. Just match your decor.

  • Dianna Blumricl Dianna Blumricl on Jan 21, 2017

    I would not put any fabric on it al all. Just leave it the way it is. I would love to have it.

  • Joanne Joanne on Jan 27, 2017

    You could lighten the top with a piece of your favorite light colored wallpaper laid on top of your bar do not glue it! and add glass over the paper it would lighten it up in color on the surface. may be just enough. Purchased double strength glass and have the edges buffed . OR paint the back side of a piece of double strength glass. there is also decorative Plexiglas out there.

  • Peggy Peggy on Feb 04, 2017

    Leave it the way it is and maybe add a granite top to it .

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Feb 07, 2017

    If kitchen has space I would use as an island and enjoy the extra storage space. Sometimes you've got to take the loss of money and just remember it's a material object that is not useful to you or if you plan on moving within a few years store in garage and he can park outside.

  • It's a lovely piece. If there's room in the kitchen, I would use it as an island. Depending on your style, you could remove the doors and cover the open spots with fabric panels hung on tension rods.

  • Dee Dee on May 05, 2024

    Remove the brass pole, Paint it a lighter color or sand it down and re-stain in a lighter color. It is a beautiful piece and has lots of storage.