Backyard lighting needs help!

Mendoza Nicole
by Mendoza Nicole
Hi, this is Anna from CA.
I would like to revitalize my shady backyard by the high-power flood light. How can I get it and install it? Can it also be equipped with motion sensor?

Is core, universe LED 200W flood light suitable? Thank you.
  13 answers
  • Tam 15076171 Tam 15076171 on Dec 28, 2016

    If you want a flood light why would you want it to have a motion detector I don't think you would get very much motion in a back yard and besides if my back yard looked like yours I would want to have light on to show it off. This is what I would do I would put low wattage lights around the pond or even in it and then on the tops of some or all of the post on your back fence I would get the deck lights that you can get anywhere that go on post tops. and then maybe string clear lights under the patio cover. This is just my suggestion. I LOVE your back yard!!

    • See 1 previous
    • Tam 15076171 Tam 15076171 on Dec 30, 2016
      You are so welcome! I would love to see a picture when you are through because again I Love your whole back yard area. I also like Johnchip's suggestion of the up lighting clear Christmas lights would be very pretty in the trees. Depending on what's going on and how much light you need you could turn on as much or as little as you need also not a bad idea to put some on a timer. I have enjoyed this discussion.
  • Johnchip Johnchip on Dec 28, 2016

    Have you considered uplighting? With those trees' overhang it would be nice and soft.

  • Selma Selma on Dec 28, 2016

    In a beautiful cozy setting like that you shouldn't have flood lights but soft lights like Tammy and John suggested. maybe add some nice planters around the pond area with Solar powered lights to reflect off the water and string lights in the patio and for the table area you can find Solar powered lanterns at different heights to light up around that area.

    keep it softly lit to enjoy the coziness, looks relaxing. Great job.

  • Mendoza Nicole Mendoza Nicole on Dec 28, 2016

    I need to employ you as my designer. Thanks all.

  • Carol Carol on Dec 28, 2016

    Another light source to consider are rope lights. We have used rope lights (led lights in a clear flexible tube, 10, 15, 30' lengths) all around the perimeter of our back yard and the effect is magical! I have 10 trees along the rear of the yard and wanted them to be up-lit, but once we laid the rope lights we were pleasantly surprised to find that they cast a glow upwards and made the trees look very nice. I bought the lights at Big Lots. They are weatherproof and have been working fine for two years now. Very happy with the glow they provide.

  • Sophia,M.,McConnery Sophia,M.,McConnery on Dec 29, 2016

    Go with the Christmas strands in neutral colors!

  • Jennifer Jennifer on Dec 30, 2016

    I like all the ideas above but am surprised no one thought of solar lights attached to the balcony above and angled toward the pond. I know Home Depot has a wide variety of decorative solar decorations as well. I have one of their Bird of Paradise solar stands and I love it. We also have path lights going out to and around our picnic table and have made a chandelier from some heavy wire and the cheap Walmart solar path lights ($1.00/ea.) that we can put in the middle of the table and it has about 8 lights so we have plenty of light to play checkers or cards at night.

  • Mary Mary on Dec 30, 2016
    For motion sensor lights, go to Amazon. They have the "solar" type so that you wouldn't have to do any wiring to get them to work. I have 2 sets of them on my back yard shed. One set faces East where cars drive up into my driveway, and they turn on when someone drives up, and one set faces South to light up the yard and the sensor part turns the lights on when I open the back door to go outside, or when someone walks up the walkway to the door. The sets I have each use 2 flood light bulbs, so I have 4 flood lights. I use the energy wise lights and they are really bright and last longer. Then just to have light on for the night hours, I have the solar lights you stake into the ground. I put 4 near the shed, 4 around some plants, and 4 around other plants. I feel that not only are the ground solar lights pretty, but I like the solar flood lights for safety purposes. Good luck!
  • Jilly Honeybourne Jilly Honeybourne on Dec 31, 2016

    You could always put lights from your fencing, pointing toward the garden...

    comment photo
  • Pam G Blaxton-Dowd Pam G Blaxton-Dowd on Dec 31, 2016

    I have 35 solar lights around my backyard and another 15 in front, lining the sidewalk to the house and the flower bed.

    Unless you really want the fancy lights, the ones from Walmart for $.97 works great. If a battery quits, I just change the top of the light. Most of my lights have been out there four years, weathering wind, rain, and snow.

    When I moved here in 2012, the street seemed dark and unappealing at night. I started with the front yard. Another year or two down the road, my neighbors started putting in solar lights.

    I have a basket of solar lights by the front steps and more arrangements on my porches.

    The house looks like a friendly house at night now and no running up an electric bill.

  • Krister Elliott Krister Elliott on Jan 04, 2017

    Perfect ideas you have, BUT, LED solar lights will give you the savings, aveance, romance, and security you want. Amazon has a wider selection, pricing varieties . Motion sensor lighting for approach to the house is great for the security. I'm doing the same thing you're doing for my new home. My son gave me thsee suggestions so I'm passing them on to you. I can't do much til Spring. Good luck, post the finishing touches.

  • Wanda sinnema Wanda sinnema on Jan 06, 2017

    I have 2 suggestions for you: solar lights- the ones you poke in the ground.. I have had expensive ones- several sets over 2-3 years - they gave me nothing but problems..The cheap ones work better and last longer.. I paid $1-3.00 each, compared to 50-65 for a set of 6 or 8 w/ glass a few years ago.. You might want to check these out: FLOOD LIGHTS: I purchased a battery small LED flood light, w/ 2 lights that can be adjusted as to directions..w/timers, and MOTION sensor on QVC. Here is the details ITEM; V33196, by IQ AMERICA (google it). white or black, includes a bracket for mounting on a fence post or the side of building..Requires 3 "C" batteries. They are very bright- perfect for the same size back yard security light.. COST was about $30.00. They are sold out now, but are usually in stock several times a year.. You could easily get 2 for cheaper than an electrician and 1 fixture.. IF you do hire an electrician to install a flood light CHECK what the rate for a trip charge is,, AND how long that covers.. We had several small things replaced on one trip charge and 15 extra minutes.... rather than a single item for the same trip charge - more bang for your buck..

  • Nathan Estrella Nathan Estrella on Oct 06, 2017

    Well, the high-power LED floodlights have found to save almost as much as 70 to 80% on your electricity bills. In your backyard garden area, this high-power, flood light will definitely have the requirement of appropriate lighting, which will give an extremely bright and unique look to the entire surrounding of your garden.

    Last month my friend also had installed high-power, flood LED light in her garden area, by hiring her local electricians Glen Mills PA, where electricians had installed the high-power, flood LED lights in her garden area and after installation, it looks great during the evening.

    I think flood LED lights also provide safety in the premises which is very good repellent against burglars and trespassers.