How do you cover a back flow check valve?

by Annie
After 2 sewer back-ups in my house ($$$ and YUCK) my town installed this monstrosity in my basement. I am grateful because it will prevent this nightmare from happening again. It's a "back flow check valve". There was not enough room
to install it outside without disrupting my neighbors property. Now, the new problem. I intend to sell my house and the realtors insist that I cover this thing without building a closet around it as that would cut out the light from the basement windows. I have used this area as a sewing room and was not concerned about aesthetics. They think I should primp it up, paint the walls, etc., and cover the check valve. Whatever is put over it needs to be easily removed for maintenance. The highest point is the white pvc soil pipe at 14 inches, total length
is 50 inches, depth 18 inches. Any suggestions so greatly appreciated. Or, do you think it matters for resale?
  9 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Dec 31, 2016

    Would you be up for making curtains over the valve? You could give it a cheerful look and hide the eyesore!

  • Annie Annie on Dec 31, 2016

    I don't think that would work but thanks. I'll send a picture. Should have when I wrote in

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  • Haysha S. Haysha S. on Jan 01, 2017

    It's not the most beautiful part of the basement, but it is a beneficial piece of equipment that does serve an important purpose. What do you think about making a small bench that would really just be a box turned upside down with a cushion on top. It doesn't need to be connected to the floor, so that it can be completely removed when needed.

  • Annie Annie on Jan 01, 2017

    Thanks for your thoughts. That might work!

  • Robby Treichel Robby Treichel on Jan 17, 2017

    Rather than a small cover up like the bench suggestion, how about going larger, like a corner "stage" area. Just a raised floor in that area with easy access to the equipment. This spot could be used for a special seating area, a bar could be built in, it could be a karaoke stage, or made into a child's reading or play area. If you make the raised floor with your access, anybody who moves in can come up with great ideas for how to use it.

    • Annie Annie on Jan 17, 2017

      Thanks Robby. Never thought about a bar which might be the best solution, just put it in front of the whole mess. Great!

  • Robby Treichel Robby Treichel on Jan 18, 2017

    For safety, you will still need to cover the whole thing.

  • Shui Shui on Jan 18, 2017

    I would place a potted plant above it

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 28, 2022


  • Mogie Mogie on Sep 06, 2023

    Could you encase it behind a wall you construct?