Introduction: DIY and Hometalk Fan in Colorado

Hi Everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself to the Hometalk Community :)

My name is Chas Greener - I'm in Fort Collins Colorado, mom of 2 kids, wife, dance director, and newly Hometalk Facebook Live Regular (which I'm super excited about)!
I love my family, crafting, organizing, teaching, being outside, watching movies ... the list goes on and on. I'm a HUGE Hometalk supporter and fan, and one of my creative outlets is to DIY.
You might have seen my projects in the newsletters. I'm more known for my light up canvas art and my easy winter light up snowman craft.

I'm excited to meet all of you, make new friends, and see all your wonderful projects, comments, & support .
You can watch my Lie 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, and 2/7 - 2017 @ 7pm EST
On Saturday, Dec. 17th, Hometalkers in Fort Collins, CO got together for a Hometalk crafting workshop. While sipping cider and munching on snacks, we made a light up snowman, and a glittering glass tree. It was an amazing time and I met some fabulous ladies and made new friends!
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