What should I do with this furniture?

Penny Hughes
by Penny Hughes
I just bought this breakfast table,love the green bottom,the top not so much. I currently have this round glass table in my breakfast nook,I will replace it with the new table. My question is what color to stain the top of the table? Do this chairs look ok ( maybe cover them) and then I want to add a bench in the back,in front of the window and do I go wood or medal like the chairs?
  35 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jan 03, 2017

    My opinion I would sand it down and retain in a lighter oak color to blend with the ret of your kitchen. The metal chairs should be fine to use.

  • William William on Jan 03, 2017

    I agree! Restain the table top a lighter color. Oak, honey maple, cherry. I also would use a gel stain. Then seal with at least three coats on water based polyurethane. The chairs would work with the with the lighter table top. A bench in front of the window would look out of place, unless it was a built in with book cases on the sides on the window.

  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 03, 2017

    Thank you William for your ideas :)

  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 03, 2017

    Thank you Janet:)

  • Kathy Lovenburg Kathy Lovenburg on Jan 04, 2017

    I think your idea for a bench sounds great. Either wood or metal would look great. I would probably paint the bench to match the table pedestal, if you went with wood. I would sand the table top and see what it looks like after the cherry finish is gone. A tip from This Old House...after you sand, take a damp rag and wipe the freshly sanded wood. This will show you what the wood would look like with polyurethane. Let it dry, and then either stain and polyurethane or just polyurethane! Personally, I would paint the table pedestal black to match your chairs. But if you love the green, then leave it 😉

  • Donna Tracey Donna Tracey on Jan 04, 2017

    I would paint it off white and distress it. The metal chair cushions would match the table top.

  • Mark Mark on Jan 04, 2017

    Go pick up some leaves in a shape that you like and then glue them to the table. There is a thick epoxy made for tables that they use at restaurants and cover the table with thick coat. The table will be extremely unique and beautiful. I did one for outside everyone wants to steal it. I used magnolia leaves and oak leaves and made patterns.

  • Tam 15076171 Tam 15076171 on Jan 04, 2017
    I love the plates on your walls they make the area look chic and I think you should paint the whole table dark blue or black to match with your plates if you are going to keep the metal chairs I wouldn't distress it (just my opinion I don't think the distressed look would really go with the metal chairs I also like the idea that someone said to build a bench in with shelves up the sides of your window that would really be pretty with your plates on the shelves. Now you have several great ideas you could try or come up with something on your own whichever you do I would love to see a picture after you're finished!!!!

  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 04, 2017

    Thank you everyone! I'm thinking of this! I found this table that looks like mine and this is a better picture of the chairs.

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    • Loretta Loretta on Jan 05, 2017

      I think you should go with wooden chairs . And I really like the co.ors of the pic of the table like yours, those colors would look really good in your room , in my opinion. But what matters is what you are looking for and what makes you happy! Good luck!

  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 04, 2017

    This is my whole look!

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  • Loretta Loretta on Jan 05, 2017

    Gonna try to send you some pics I have saved of really cool table top redoes. Poop, need to get an app for it. Can you send an email address so I can send them to you???

  • Loretta Loretta on Jan 05, 2017

    So here are a few ideas! Hope it is helpful!

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  • Loretta Loretta on Jan 05, 2017

    You could do so many things it boggles my mind! You could find an old map or any kind of wall paper or old paper signs or magazine pages, whatever would create the look you want, and essentially decoupage the table with Modpodge, I believe. Just do a little research. I happen to love the one with the French writing and motiffs. Oops, got one more idea, just from a stencil even! Here it is!

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  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 05, 2017


  • Lily Schlender Lily Schlender on Jan 05, 2017

    i think the wood chairs (like the ones in the picture) go better with your new table. your metal chairs look more modern and go with the metal and glass table.

  • Linda Abate Linda Abate on Jan 06, 2017

    You could probably paint the top and antique it or you could stencil a design on the top. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

  • Cwh6899259 Cwh6899259 on Jan 06, 2017

    What I would do is sand down the table top to the wood colour, apply many coats of clear gloss Varathane. I say many because that will give you an almost mar proof top. I have done this on a pine table before and it is a wonderful surface. If you clear gloss the top you can leave the base the green you like. Your chairs are fine and should go well with the green bottom and wood top. You could replace the fabric with a matching green pattern fabric, if you sew.

    If you were to paint the table white the chairs might not so as well.

  • Deborah Lee Deborah Lee on Jan 06, 2017

    I like the mix 'n' match look, as it's more interesting, adds depth and texture to a space, and allows for more design possibilities. So, I say keep the metal chairs and just update the fabric - maybe a Sunbrella-type fabric in case you ever want to use the chairs outside. Also, if it were me, I would keep the top relatively 'plain' and not do a wild pattern or anything, even as beautiful as those examples are. That way you can use table linens, candles, floral arrangements, fruit bowls, etc., etc., as your table-top 'design' which allows you to change it up as often as you like, and wouldn't overwhelm the space or compete with your dishes on the wall. But do keep the metal chairs - they're cool!

  • Mary Mary on Jan 06, 2017

    You know that cabinet shops can make you a cover out of Formica any style or color or shape. Just lay the new top over the existing top. You wont have to worry about hot pots and scratches. Just think of the possibilities and the styles. When you want to get rid of it take the top off and keep it, sell the table.

  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 06, 2017


  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 06, 2017

    Thank you

  • Nita Judhit DePaor Nita Judhit DePaor on Jan 07, 2017

    you can use decoupage /search on google for inspirations/i like as it is/always love real effect of woodgrain/...just needs bit cleaning and depends how the table top is done wax it till shine or varnish...

  • Eve Eve on Jan 07, 2017

    My first thought was to buy those mini tiles and apply them. They come in strips or squares so it wouldn't take as long as you might think. I do love a tile topped table and it is easy to keep clean. I do crafts on my table top so it needs to be sturdy.😄

  • Terri Logan Terri Logan on Jan 07, 2017

    I made a tablecloth with matching napkins and a lamp cover to match.......you can inexpensively change your look.

  • Sheila Reddig Sheila Reddig on Jan 08, 2017

    Google rethunkjunkbylaura.com and find a retailer close to you. You will discover some unbelievable and inexpensive options for you with this great table and chairs. I am a retailer in Jonesboro, AR and love to share this amazing product with all I meet. Once you find the website, you will find all kinds of information and youtube videos with how to use the products! Good luck! Warning this could change your life and you could become a Rethunk Junk Junkie!!!

  • Carol Hamilton Carol Hamilton on Jan 08, 2017

    I have just discovered this stuff called Unicorn Spit. It's a stain/glaze and you need to google it or search it on fb because it's amazing. Please please before you do anything look at there website. Your table would be the perfect project.

  • Goldrushgal Goldrushgal on Jan 08, 2017

    You could use a dark gel stain to darken the top. Would really look nice. Search stained table top on Pinterest.

  • Linda Linda on Jan 08, 2017

    Unicorn spit produces some nice results, but it's not cheap by any stretch of the imagination. Test with other acrylic paints to see if you even like the concept before diving into the cost of U.S.

  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 09, 2017

    Thank you

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Jan 09, 2017

    I would not put those metal chairs with this table - wood chairs would look better (and I do not like matchy-matchy furniture at all). Here is a table that we recently redid - using grey stain and white chalk paint. I think something like this would look great in your house. Have fun with it!

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  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 09, 2017

    Very nice, what kind of stain did you use? And how many coats?

    • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Jan 09, 2017

      Min Wax Classic Gray #271. Two coats of the stain, after sanding the top and two coats of poly on top to protect it. Here is the before and after and we painted the chairs white.

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  • Robert Chickey Robert Chickey on Jan 10, 2017

    I like Old Master's Dark Walnut. It is a pure brown. The red undertone will come through still. If you want to neutralize the red, add a very tiny amount of green tint to the stain.

  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 10, 2017

    Great! Thank you

  • Judy Judy on Jan 15, 2017

    I would use your chairs with this table! The frames are large enough to hold their own in your room. If you like the fabric on them, pick out a cream color from them to chalk paint the top of the table and seal appropriately (I have no clue). Before you do anything with the table, live with it as is. Then put a light colored tablecloth on it for a week and then a dark color - or try bright colors. Get a feel for what feels right to you before you go to all the work of refinishing it.

    Build or redo a wood bench (with storage!) that is wide enough to fill the space under your window. Paint it to match the pedestal of your beautiful new table. It would be nice (and convenient) if the bench were tall enough to use as additional seating at the table. Putting wheels and a thick upholstered pad on top would be an idea to contemplate. If it were me, I would find a paisley pattern that picks up the darker colors in your room.

    The part of your home that we can see is decorated beautifully and very creatively. You obviously have a good eye for placement and use of both old and new items. It's stunning.

  • Penny Hughes Penny Hughes on Jan 16, 2017

    Thank you so much for your kind words and your ideas:)