Any suggestions for this renovation?

by Tob13709819
Thank you in advance for your creative suggestions! I am planning to have the soffit, fascia board, end gables and gutters replaced with vinyl; however, I would appreciate ideas on how the window insets could be updated with some architectural interest. The window frames are covered with white vinyl and will not change. Color palette suggestions would be a plus for vinyl, shutters and front door.
  28 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jan 13, 2017

    Are you planning to paint the brick?

  • Mas2980078 Mas2980078 on Jan 13, 2017

    New Windows, shutters, front door, take up all the pavers---tacky and cheap, landscape, put a decorative front for the door

  • Ilene Davis Ilene Davis on Jan 13, 2017

    What if the shutters were dark gray, and you painted this small insert squares the same color as the shutters the ones that are below the window.

    Paint the front door the same color as the darkest brick which looks in the picture like it might be some shade of red.

    The downspouts would not be as noticeable if they were painted the same color as the bricks which looks like it might be like a dark tan they would fade away and not be an eyesore.

    I would plant the trees maybe just past the corner of the house they, they will get too big where they are and they will make the house look small

    • Deborah Helseth Deborah Helseth on Jan 13, 2017

      Ilene thanks for responding...Liking the color ideas! Agree, those trees by the door are NOT in a "happy place". I think it was a quick effort to landscape, before the house was purchased a year ago. Landscaping will occur once the work on the house is completed.

  • Johnchip Johnchip on Jan 13, 2017

    Lots of ideas for you, but first and best is to make sure you choose a color that you do not see on the houses next door and across the street.

    • Deborah Helseth Deborah Helseth on Jan 13, 2017

      Love Ideas! Thank you for offering your talents! The color palette on other houses around me are black shutters/white window frames. Another is russet shutters/white window frames. Across the street is mint green and black accents. I don't have an unlimited budget and looking for very low maintenance.

  • Deanna Nassar Deanna Nassar on Jan 13, 2017

    Have you thought about a Bow window? If you keep as is then paint the door to match the shutters. Some low growing bushes across the front like azalea. Could also add some spring bulbs between the bushes. Maybe some Mums for fall color.

  • Mary Mary on Jan 13, 2017

    Hi, my first thought is window boxes at each window to hide the decorative panel under each window. Anchor the house with some vertical planting at the corners and full bushes along the front. I would make the beds in front of the house curved creating visual interest. What I see is too many straight lines. Now color ideas, the brick is a warm color so try warm colors to compliment the brick, even in what you plant. The flowering bushes and flowers should be friends with what you are planing. The front door should be your pop of color repeating shades of it in your landscaping. There are beautiful blues and greens that would look great. i would probably take the shutters off. you could make the entrance more important by using color and accessories. Good luck and just have fun!

  • Kat964884 Kat964884 on Jan 13, 2017

    I love the brick I would either take off the shutters or paint them the same as the window frame or more of a color to blend into the brick

  • Marm Marm on Jan 13, 2017

    I suggest updating the moulding on the panels with just a simple frame moulding like in the photo I attached. I think it will update the look. I'm not fond of shutters like the ones you have because i think shutters should look like they would cover the window when closed, otherwise they look too fake. But if you like them that's all that matters, if that's the case black, like in the photo also, would be a nice choice.

    comment photo
  • Tob13709819 Tob13709819 on Jan 13, 2017

    Deanna I agree that different Windows would add the "architectural pizzazz" ! However cost is a factor. I purchased the house a year ago and new Windows had been installed two years ago. My interest was to get ideas for the framed inset below the window ledge . Wanted to have this done at the same time when the ship lap vinyl is placed on the end gables of the house, with new guttering. Suggested idea was to use vinyl staggered shakes (in a color to complement brick) in the framed inset and matching shutters. Any opinion on that idea? I am looking for LOW MAINTENANCE!!! Indeed we all agree that the landscaping can be improved. Thank you for your brainpower!! Good ideas

  • Mary Mary on Jan 13, 2017

    People write in for suggestions but never say for the most part how much they have to spend. if not much, I would lower the existing flower boxes to the bottom of the wood insert and add another to the other side. It looks like winter but flower and shrubs always help. You are getting some great suggestions so far, but always remember there could be an HOA in the neighborhood so it would be good to start there and city hall to make sure any color or changes to the front will be approved. After that there are some great people writing with great ideas. Balance is key

  • Ilene Davis Ilene Davis on Jan 13, 2017

    I am sorry I didn'tnotice the flower boxes where they are. I would get rid of them. Plant your plants in the ground for lower maintenance

  • C Crow C Crow on Jan 14, 2017

    I won't be any help but want to say I think your home is very attractive as it is. Yes, I'd update the planters/walkway out front, but that's it.

    • Tob13709819 Tob13709819 on Jan 14, 2017

      Thank you for the compliment! Absolutely the stacked stone with the cypress trees AND, the red pavers have to go!

  • George Korszowsky George Korszowsky on Jan 14, 2017

    tan shutters, or remove them. raised flower bed, bricks around the juniper plants look tacky, do you need the walkway?

  • George Korszowsky George Korszowsky on Jan 14, 2017

    metal hand rail

    • Tob13709819 Tob13709819 on Jan 14, 2017

      HUM! Hadn't thought about a hand rail. That would be a focal point for front door. I tend to go with safe color choices, but thought I might get some unique color sugesstions . FYI for everyone on this chat.....all the pavers and stacked blocks WILL BE removed along with trees. I believe we are all agreeing on that feature!!! Felt that way when I purchased the house. This brings me back to the panels below the window ledges. Any ideas on that ? It sure is enlightening to see your house through the eyes of what others see. Thanks

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Jan 14, 2017

    I have an old brick rancher also. Drive the neighborhood for color ideas. The front entrance needs to be welcoming. I painted my door a light creamy yellow. Wreaths show up nicely on this. Shutters were black when I bought the house two years ago. Gutters and downspouts are brown vinyl.

    My issue is with the flatness of the house. I also can't afford major renovations so I made a headboard bench and placed it perpendicular, and next to the door with flowering plants for color to the side and behind it.

  • George Korszowsky George Korszowsky on Jan 14, 2017

    you change the door color, it will accent your personality, think off the grid, maybe red, blue, my wife made our brick home with a fire engine red. I thought it would be tacky, but we had many comments about it.

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Jan 14, 2017

    I love the bottom of you windows. And I would leave door white so it's cohesive but I would get new shutters in your favorite color. Express yourself. Maybe a version of a color on the inside of home. Have a blast with being different. You must have a favorite color. I can't tell you what to do because I don't know you and I personally like to do what makes me happy to see my house and the interior. I plan on changing shutters soon as I afford it as well as front door but it's only been 11 months since we moved in and we redid first floor,not cheap especially the kitchen. I don't feel that when I drive up to house I loved it but that's when I was buying it and it had front trees and bushes but had to cut trees down they were hollow and bushes were causing water damage. We were aware of bushes but didn't know about trees since we saw house in January and there was at least 6 inches of snow. So it's just plain and boring I plan on a bright color such as red. Shutters are black and not great shape and a red door suits my taste I love color. So the house will be cheerful and easy to spot. So ask you self what do you want to see that will make you smile everyday and go with it, it's your safe place your welcoming place. But the area under window it great know you said that you were also doing otherthings I would keep gables white and if like I'm in visioning and the interest there that matches the panels underneath windows that is interesting. I wonder if you have considered adding interest by adding an entire porch. Or even better a gable over front door to much the ones on the sides. Yes it's costly but would be beautiful and a lot of interest and look very welcoming. I would make it protruding forward with to plan simple columns. Less then a full porch since less matching with roofing, columns I would paint white. So your eye goes to door it guides your eyes and your company can stay dry under it. Well good luck and hoe this helps.

  • Angela Paulhus Angela Paulhus on Jan 15, 2017

    I would paint the door and shutters black to give it a more traditional look and plant boxwood shrubs in the beds.

  • Pat Miller Pat Miller on Jan 15, 2017

    Personally I would start by removing the tall greenery by the door..... The large window is the focus... and the color of the shutters MUST go.. I always think black is classic or a dark green... the stones need to go and the pavers stand out too much.. I realize it is winter and things look different in spring.. if you use pavers , find some that blend more with the landscaping.. I use a type that came in different colors and had them rotated to look more natural.. first drive around your neighborhood and maybe some others and write down some things you like about other homes.. get a new perspective ... the window boxes are a personal thing... I am not a fan.. cant wait to see what you do to make it your own..

  • Raylene Coradi-Spudick Raylene Coradi-Spudick on Jan 15, 2017

    I agree with the landscaping comments. You have a great looking house to begin with. The first thing I noticed was everything is flat. It would be good to add some dimension to the front of the house. Depending on how much money you have to play with, you could swap out the bigger window for a full bay or bow window. This would also bring in more light to that room. You could also put an overhang over the front door protecting visitors from the weather. Depending on your skills, this is something you could do youself.

    I was tired of planting flowers, weeding and mulching the flowerbeds. Ripped them all out and laid 16 x 16 patio tiles. Picked up some large colorful pots and filled them with different colored perrennials. Placed them around the tiles and added a bird bath . No more maintenance just nice and clean!

  • Tom Tom on Jan 15, 2017

    Look for local colors that are acceptable in u r area. Paint the brick then the shutters a slightly darker of the same hue. Blend in the down spouts and get water away from basement wall where it is dumped now.

  • Naga Naga on Jan 16, 2017

    you should add the hand rail both sides, take away the bushes on each side, and raise the floor bed . Also add some rose 🌹 bushes.

  • BabyBoomerSC BabyBoomerSC on Jan 17, 2017

    I'd go with black shutters and a black front door. Keep the trim under the windows white but you can paint the raised wood pieces black. You need two tall shrubs/plants on the corners of your house. A black wrought iron railing would look great on your front porch.

    Add some flowering shrubs in front of your house to give it depth and color. Add

  • Barbara Barbara on Jan 20, 2017

    I would get shorter shutters and paint them a nice color that you like then paint underneath the windows a darker color. Maybe add some window boxes . I agree that you should maybe add rails to your steps and eliminate those trees beside them. You could add some giant hostas or something that would have a nice color most of the year. The pavers could be a different color, but you might just be able to use some concrete stain on them to mute that orange color. Good luck with whatever you decide.

  • Tob13709819 Tob13709819 on Jan 20, 2017

    Interesting you suggested shorter shutters, I decided just yesterday that would be a good solution. All the pavers, along with the little trees will be removed from that area. Planning to do low maintenance landscaping once the work on the house is completed. Several comments have been written to consider hand rails. Still working that idea! Thanks for taking time to add your comment.

  • Connie Connie on Feb 20, 2017

    Just dreaming...what about a wide front patio connected to the front door cement. Have it all the way to the edge of the house. I like the panels under Windows. Make steps up to it the entire length.then landscape in terraces downward.

  • just a little tip here...

    Here's a post I wrote a few years ago about the correct size and placement of shutters... maybe if you decide you still want shutters, this will help:

    Hope that helps!