Have you ever tried a project that went horribly wrong?

You weren't sure whether it was worth it or not to fix it or just throw it away and give up?
That's what happened to me...

I bought these 2 plant stands and wanted to try chalky paint. It always looks so cool and I wanted to try it on a smaller scale before I did something bigger.
I went with Waverly Chalk in Ink and Waverly Clear Wax and found them both at Walmart. It truly brushed on easy and dried fast. I did 2 coats to get it covered nicely, letting them dry between each coat. After letting it dry according to the directions I moved to the wax coat.

Yes, well this is where I messed it up. I read the directions and it said to put on the wax, wipe off the excess, and buff it out 24 hours later. Well - excess meant I should have basically wiped it all back off. I thought I should coat it and let it rest without any drips or runs meaning excess. After 24 hours, I ended up with a mess. I rubbed and rubbed and scrubbed and tried everything to get that extra wax off and I was getting no where! I almost gave up and threw them away. Is this really worth starting over??? I did nothing for a couple days and then decided I had nothing to lose. I sanded down the wax off the tables and repainted them.

The chalk paint is very forgiving, I was please that it went back on so well. I let the paint dry, again. This time I put the wax on with a paint brush, then immediately took a cotton t-shirt rag and wiped it off. It's important to work in small amounts at a time. Let it dry for 24 hours, and lightly buffed it with a cotton t-shirt.
I'm glad I stuck with it and I am pleased with the way they turned out. Boy what a lesson learned!
  3 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jan 17, 2017

    Thanks for sharing, Chas, You always inspire me Don't you just love chalk paint?

  • Mary Liegel Mary Liegel on Jan 18, 2017

    My project that went wrong was many years ago I started to make a gun closet but changed along the way to a long toy chest with a padded naughahide seat with hinges, and casters on the bottom of the chest. Was way more useful than a gun closet anyway. He went out and bought a cabinet for his guns and the toy chest is still setting upstairs in one of the kids rooms...still with their childhood toys in it....after about 50 years.

  • Judi Judi on Mar 04, 2020

    yes I have! But thankfully I am not a perfectionist and I try to over look the mistakes. Some times this is just impossible to do so I wear a blind fold!!