How can I do a wood canvas stretch?

by Belen
I am going to order to print a canvas and they are going to send me only the canvas I have to put in a surface or the wood. The measurements are big and there is not store who can help me...
108 inches w 45 h
Thank you
  6 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Jan 29, 2017

    I found this really helpful tutorial, Good luck! How fun!!!

  • Belen Belen on Jan 29, 2017

    Thank you I am going to check it out

  • Belen Belen on Jan 29, 2017

    Thank you William. I need to stretch the canvas but before I need to do the wood canvas for 108 inches w and 45 inches h. It is not easy... if someone can help me or know how are the steps one by one I will really appreciate

    Thank you and have a good day

  • Belen Belen on Jan 29, 2017

    Thank you. Now I need how can I do the wood frame first. I can not find the wood stretches in the dimensions 108 inches w by 45 inches h šŸ˜ž

  • Sal10822870 Sal10822870 on Feb 02, 2017

    someone would have to make the frame for you. it will have to be enforced so it is sturdy. would it be possible to take ply wood and staple on the back. it has to be really stretched tightest and is that possible with that big a canvas. i would have ordered in three pieces and hung as a trip-tik. good luck with this one. sallie newman