10-Minute, DIY Killim Pillow Cover Using Something VERY Unexpected!

10 Minutes
Hey friends! Thanks so much for stopping by! Before we begin, I'd love for you to check out my post on how to turn a new chicken feeder into an "aged" plate rack! But don't go there yet!! Please read this fun tutorial first!
Today, I wanted to share with you about thinking outside the box and looking for inexpensive ways to add fun decor to your home. More specifically, let’s focus on using something we don’t normally think to use as a pillow cover: placemats!
So, the other day, I was perusing the clearance aisles at Target, and saw these lovely placemats on clearance for a little over $1. I grabbed two, knowing exactly what I wanted to do with them….turn them into a pillow cover!
This project was one of the easiest, quickest projects I’ve ever done! Literally, it took 10 minutes from start to finish to make this cover (well, at least after my big mistake, which you can read all about in my blog post link below)!

First, I pinned the top, long-sides together, with the right-sides facing together. Then, I sewed that side together.
Second, I turned it right-side out and pinned the “fringe” sides together and then sewed.
Lastly, because I change my pillow covers out so much, I normally don’t even touch the bottom seam….I leave it open, like this…
Once the bottom of the cover is “tucked in” on the couch, there’s no need to even worry about sewing the bottom! And hopefully, my guests are cool with it, too. 🙂

That's it, y'all! See?! I told you this project was so easy and quick!
I love how this pillow cover pulls out the blues in the quilt and on the pillow cover behind it. And look, you can’t even tell that ANY of these pillow covers are unfinished on the bottom! Score!

Seriously, this project was so easy, I’m totally doing this again! And the best part? It only cost me $4!!!!

So when it’s time for you to shop for pillow covers, try to think outside the box. Shop around the clearance aisles and use something unexpected!
Need more inspiration for decorating on a budget? Check out my post on using something very unconventional, yet very chic, as a tablecloth!

What was your latest project that was unique and different? I’d love to hear about it! Comment below, or stop by and say hey on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, HomeTalk and Facebook! It always makes my day to hear from my sweet readers!
The Rustic Boxwood
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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  • Dawn Henry Dawn Henry on Sep 12, 2017

    if you want something more finished looking you can use that Velcro tape and stick it on the inside to close last piece together?

    great idea, I'd like these for outisde!

  • Pat Hart Pat Hart on Sep 12, 2017

    Why not put velcro at the bottom of the pillow?

  • Sandy Sandy on Nov 07, 2017

    What did you use? These look like place mats or hand towels.

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  • Virginia Goforth Virginia Goforth on Nov 11, 2017

    I made a pillow out of a placemat that was lined. I just opened the side seam enough to put a pillow form inside and blind stitched it closed again. Simple but nice. The top was a tapestry picture and the bottom was cotton. Looks great.

    comment photo
  • Cele Eveland Cele Eveland on Feb 27, 2019

    If i can find fabric that doesnt look cheap that meets my color scheme...
