Getting Organized for 2014 - an Easy Organize DIY

Looking to get a jump start on organizing yourself in 2014? I've been doing just that the last week and today I have an Easy Organize Project for you.
It's a simple DIY Shape Tape Dry Erase Board you can make using an old (preferably large) frame.
I say large because you want to have plenty of room to write your goals, to do list, motivational quotes or even your shopping list down on. Keep it in an easy to see place like over a desk in your home office and your all set.
For more DIY projects, visit Fresh Idea Studio today. Cheers
Simple ways to get (and stay) organized for the New Year.
Put your frame back together and hang where desired.
Start with an old frame. The bigger the better! You want plenty of room to make 2014 your best year yet! ;)
Paint over the existing frame if the color isn't to your liking.
Cut a piece of fabric to size. I used burlap for it's cool texture and the ease of reading against a neutral background.
Consider adding a decorative tape (or even Frog Tape like I did) to section off areas to keep yourself focused.
Fresh Idea Studio - Therese
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
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