Can you show me an idea for a Military Christmas Wreath?

Janice Dant
by Janice Dant
We are doing different wreath for Christmas & I need ideas for a Military Christmas Wreath.
  13 answers
  • Judy Hubbard Temple Judy Hubbard Temple on Dec 20, 2013
    Crochet one in Red,White,And Blue
  • Pat S Pat S on Dec 20, 2013
    I had done one years ago, from what I remember: I used a faux Christmas wreath with battery operated lights. I used white lights but now you may be able to get red and blue also. I used 4 mini American flags, 2 on each side. I used red, white and blue, thin ribbons to make bows for branches and one wider yellow bow for the top middle. To add to the volume of decorations on the branches I used red berries, white angels and blue snow flakes from the dollar store. I'm sorry I don't have a picture to show but I hope that helps... If there is a Military branch you are honoring I'm sure you can get something or perhaps Hallmark has an ornament for this year. Merry Christmas.
  • Abbie Abbie on Dec 20, 2013
    If you have access to an old, used military uniform with the new ABU fabric you could cut it up into strips, tie the strips around a wire hanger that you have formed into a circle, then decorate with red, white and blue Christmas balls and a big red bow. If you have access to a thrift store or military surplus store you may be able to find the uniforms. Otherwise the fabric is available on e-bay, usually by the yard. I don't have a picture for you, but I have seen fabric wreaths made like this before. A google search for fabric wreaths should come up with instructions.
  • Janice Dant Janice Dant on Dec 20, 2013
    Thanks to all of you for your wonderful ideas! Merry Christmas and hope all the happiness for The New Year!!!!! God bless!!!!!!
  • Carol Carol on Dec 20, 2013
    try a white wreath with olive green decorations and a small model of army equipment and a small flag. Or do it in other color scheme for other branches do the service. Or most any wreath with Army insignia glued to the center of the now .
  • Carol Ann McDaniel Carol Ann McDaniel on Dec 22, 2013
    Spent bullets as ornaments, rank designations, camo ribbon, different branches have tartans, concertina wire as a base, old c ration cans, tiny tobassco sauce bottles from mres as color
  • @Janice Dant I wrote a blog post about decorating with Military Wreaths here Leave me a comment on the blog and let me know which one you like best.
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  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Dec 22, 2013
    The Christmas after 9/11, I had a PATRIOTIC TREE...everything was in red/white/blue. Even that ribbon that you can curl with scissors makes great garland. I bought small flags, painted wooden stars in those colors and put a larger flag on top. Used red bulbs (just happened to have strands with that color lights) and white ones. It was stunning! So the same things will work for wreaths!
  • Tina Tina on Dec 22, 2013
    I made this out of felt squares in red white and blue easy to do if you have the time...
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  • Sandra Brown Sandra Brown on Dec 22, 2013
    A quick and easy way is using an a wreath from design of your choosing then use the colors that you want. Use the bath sponges and any other decorations you'd like to add. makes a reusable gift too.
  • Valerie Valerie on Dec 22, 2013
    What about red, white and blue pompoms? There are several examples on Hometalk. Another idea would be to use old military buttons in some way.
  • Debbie Boltz Debbie Boltz on Dec 27, 2013
    I just saw this and it would be super easy.