Need ideas for this fireplace wall -I'm home staging /selling home

Hi! I'm staging this home & really struggling with this fireplace wall. It's HUGE, the color is dull & I CANNOT CHANGE the color. How can I embrace this wall & make it work? I'm keeping the sofas, keeping the coffee table & adding a light colored rug under the coffee table. I cannot add a mantle. It needs to look simple & elegant. Also, I cannot paint the walls. Thanks for the advice!
  41 answers
  • Julie M. Julie M. on Feb 04, 2017

    I would get rid of that hanging lamp (at least temporarily) and make a piece like this out of cut log pieces or metal plates (painted)

  • Julie M. Julie M. on Feb 04, 2017

    And edit out some of those lamps and small decor items.

  • Tracey Dean Tracey Dean on Feb 04, 2017

    It looks a little muddled in colors. I would add in black and white accents. Keep the color scheme beige with black and white. Area rug same color as the wall with some of the fireplace color in it. Are the sofas grey? Keep it neutral but contrasting.

  • Mirrigan Dennis Mirrigan Dennis on Feb 04, 2017

    why can't you paint bricks look great painted. The other thing you could do is get some wooden crates and attach them to the wall either side of the fireplace and put some ornament or pot plant or something in them. you could actually put a false mantel and fire surround in timber bolted to the brickwork.

    • Julie M. Julie M. on Feb 04, 2017

      I stage homes, and like most homestagers, no painting or building projects unless they give you a large budget and permission to alter the structural items. It is best to make or buy things that I can move from one job to another.

  • Julie M. Julie M. on Feb 04, 2017

    I like the monochromatic color scheme with more neutral rugs like sisal?

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 04, 2017

    Since there is no painting involved,I would spruce the room up with some simple plants. There appear to be to many lamps. Declutter tables etc. A nice piece of metal art work would break up the fireplace.Ls is sometimes better when staging a home.

  • Terri Terri on Feb 04, 2017

    A fairy large muti-paned wooden window frame without the glass would break up the expanse of brick. If it has a mirror in it as well, even better. Painted white or black would work well with the rest of the room.

  • William William on Feb 04, 2017

    You need to break up the expanse of the fireplace. Try to get similar bookcases that are flanking the sides of the entry to the room and place them on each side of the fireplace flush with the corners. Place one of the large plants on the hearth on each side of the fireplace. And I agree with Terri. A large paneled window frame with mirrors above the fireplace.

  • Constance Constance on Feb 04, 2017

    I am not one for slip covers but the sofas need them if they are staying they don't fit in. The color is fighting withe what you seem to be trying to do. Like the color they are now but not in this room with what you are trying to do

  • Johnchip Johnchip on Feb 04, 2017

    A mirror above, the same size or a bit smaller than the firebox. Clean up or paint firebox, add a colorful plant, candles or nice stacked colorful wood and potpouri.

  • Arlene Arlene on Feb 04, 2017

    can you hang a large round mirror on the brick wall?

  • Rus11406664 Rus11406664 on Feb 04, 2017

    I it fits I would move the picture (that's behind the sofa) over the fireplace~ it needs something grand. Either flank the hearth with two matching plants or make a vignette of three plants in the corner. If flanking the plants there should not be a table in the corner~ not every space needs to be filled~ it always looks bigger with an empty space. Place the tall white statue on the hearth or a cool piece ~ maybe something metal. No tall lamp. Maybe try the extension sofa on the other side of the room where the long table is now~ would make it more welcoming when you walk into the room.

    limit accessories!!! use only the good ones. stage the coffee table with a tray with a plant, a candle, book... you get the idea. use demitasse cups if available. Drape a beautiful throw on the end of the extension sofa with an open book. A fluffy fur rug would up the cool factor in this room~ look in other rooms for items to stage. Make this room feel like you want to spend time in it.

  • Peggy Peggy on Feb 04, 2017

    I would angle the sofas for sure, looks to boxie for me. Maybe a tripod with a bold colored picture on it behind the plants by the fireplace. There is potential with this room, you just have to rearrange some items and the hanging light has to go or go into some grouping, maybe over the tripod picture and plants to make it shine. Good luck !

  • Dory Stewart Dory Stewart on Feb 04, 2017

    Add wood paneling / book cases on both sides limiting the fire place to 1/3 of the entire wall. You could add the same effect above the actual fire place and include a mantle. A mirror? Paint remaining exposed brick white or ? And that paneling doesn't have to be vertical or horizontal... could be diagonal.. Lots of possibilities.

  • Leisa Yeager Leisa Yeager on Feb 04, 2017

    I would move the book shelve to the sides of the fire place if movable, I really think you need color, pick any for a pop, pillows on couch on shelving. Get a picture for over fire place buy Velcro and put it up that way if no seems dark so get plug in up lighting...just a few adjustments are needed..but color and lighting most important in selling a home..color for your eye to land on and notice the positives of the for brightness also gives illusion of space and architecture..good luck..

  • Marilyn Zaruba Marilyn Zaruba on Feb 04, 2017

    Very 70s room.

    Have you thought of painting your own *masterpiece* along the Mondrian style?

    You don't need to use the same bold colors, but something that works in that room or will brighten it up. You could also go abstract and splash some paint around.

    About anything you do will be a huge improvement.

  • Connie Tejeda Connie Tejeda on Feb 05, 2017

    The scale of the plants in compared to the room is small. Group them together with one very tall guy in the back corner. Add a floor to ceiling mirror on the other side to balance it out. good luck!

  • Theresa Theresa on Feb 05, 2017

    Place two easels on each side of the fireplace at equal distance from each other. Buy five pieces of art that share a common theme and have black matting. Hang one of the pieces from the ceiling right above the fireplaces. The black matting will help the black of the fireplace not stand out so much and the big brick wall will function as a matting of sorts for the five pictures. Hope you find your solution soon. 😀

  • User User on Feb 05, 2017

    Cover it all with wood panels

  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Feb 05, 2017

    I would hang another light but I would both very modern. This sits in front of a very large window yet room has at least 4 lamps plus this one so either balance it out or remove. I was walking through during an open house that's the first thing I would notice especially since all different. I'd remove some of them and only keep the most up to date ones. Then I would find some funky ones to hang because it draws eye to that huge wall. I would take one of those tall plants and place it on the other side of fireplace for balance. Your hands are really tied.

  • Ili Ili on Feb 05, 2017

    I would move that side table next to the left hand side, to next to the fireplace...prop the lamps with books or ?? and make an statement in that left about moving those plants (fake?) right next to the right side of fireplace or place the tall floor lamp, the idea to balance the sides of fireplace so it is not so obvious...move couch under window (left) further from fireplace wall....just play, moving things around...

  • Laurel Bracey Laurel Bracey on Feb 05, 2017

    The elephant in the room, your light colored brick wall, floor to ceiling, has NO appeal as it is now. A very inexpensive, yet interesting concept is to add to the brick wall vertically; hearth to ceiling. My first inspiration would be to add columns of 4 x 4 wood, which would fit hearth to ceiling (I wouldn't make them permanent; just fit to the space), attached at the ceiling perhaps with a metal plate between the wall and column. To be fancy those columns could be shaped spirals if they are affordable. Plain 4 x 4 columns add interest, either painted a complementary wash or sanded/coated with polyurethane. Even a free hand curved stroke design gracefully flat painted from ceiling to hearth could add visual interest to the expanse of brick wall. Another inspiration might be to pair thick and thin wood columns, 2 on each side of the fire place, as if they were planned at the time the brick wall was installed.

    A more complicated but visually exciting column could be to cover the wood vertical beams with another material, brick, stone or rock, decoratively cut thin, so the mixed material (one of the suggested materials, not mixing the decorations), is merely applied with glue/caulked/bondo/or attached to the bare wood column. In my house I have enough sea sheels to cover 2 hearth to ceiling columns if I wanted to attach them individually to the columns. Just saying.

    After finishing the fireplace wall, then I would re-arrange the furniture, with the idea in mind that you have a great focal point, the wall. Less furniture may add appeal overall.

  • Cindy Morris Cindy Morris on Feb 05, 2017

    I think a mirror over the fireplace with black metal sconces on either side. The two plants that are the most similar on either side of the hearth; if the pots don't match, use burlap wrapped around each and tucked in at the top and use jute to tie the top or paint them a neutral color. You could wrap a burlap ribbon in a color that pops and use that to get pillows that coordinate. Lose the hanging lamp and the extra lounge type chair and all the extra furniture. Some kind of softness on the window, such as a long scarf type window covering that could even be attached with command hooks. You might want to try using just one sofa angled slightly from the doorway side with the coffee table in front of it. It is an experiment on placement. It sounds like you already know how to stage it is just an issue with the fireplace?? Keep us posted on your final outcome!

  • Beverly Kohn Beverly Kohn on Feb 06, 2017

    Are you staging home for sale or for you to live. It makes a big difference on the staging of a room. If that is chaise lounge remove it, makes room look smaller also in wrong spot. Remove fake plants by fire place. Leave blank or hang a picture above fireplace it's a beautiful wall. What is bothering you eye is all the stuff in front of it plants , tables, lamps statue, must remove hanging light . Place sofa nearer to wall remove standing lamp from behind Go to Targets or Home goods or on line get some inexpensive pillows in Colors some solid some in patterns. Place solid pillows in back of patterned ones use same pillows on both sofas, see if the patterned ones come in smaller sizes, for a bit of contrast.can place colorful bowl on table, to go with pillows (pick up color) wait on rug. Could be all wrong. Do small colors first. If you remove chaise get a nice chair to replace it but face into room. Put end tables on oppisite sides of sofas , I would remove 1 and place 2 comfortable chairs there probably in front of windows place end table between with a taller lamp or place on books for hight . If selling remove as much furniture as possible , jazz up with color pillows. The fire place will then become your focal point in room. Can even place some similar pillows on ledge of fireplace for extra sitting As a designer I remove everything from room first then start with sofa placement then work to smallest pieces. Have fun can always change up small items for seasonal changes.

  • Beverly Kohn Beverly Kohn on Feb 06, 2017

    Forgot just really looked at painting. Could move over fireplace replace with an arragment of pictures (bead bath and beyond) Use all the same frames.Use colorsfrom painting for pillows. Take a picture of painting with phone and bring with you for color. Forgot Pier one great store also.

  • G.B. Woot G.B. Woot on Feb 06, 2017

    I love this room! There are a lot of good suggestions given and I would take a little from several of them. I'm glad you are going to put a light color rug and remove the existing ones. Go for a minimalist look with a set of 2-3 neutral colors and maybe a pop of color in pillows or lamp shades. Clear out anything that does not serve a purpose or is not needed; include on a few books of interest on the nightstand and coffee table. I would not do everything symmetrically in this room because it will compete with the straight lines of the fireplace wall. Aim to "soften the lines" by adding "round" features and angled pieces to add "flow" in the room.

    The swag lamp needs to be more modern or clean lines. Remove the floor reading lamp! And find some way to tie all the lamps together through similar colors, shades, or designs. I like each of them individually, but there's too much variation for this room.

    To define the space a bit more, I would turn the couch to face the fireplace with a modern piece of art over the fireplace. The chaise might be better up by the fireplace in the right corner; but there may be too much furniture as someone mentioned. If so, I would move the loveseat out ---you might have another place it would go. I would not put anything in front of or block the large window as that appears to be a nice focal point as well.

    There was a good suggestion (or two) about artwork. If you are trying to do this on a budget, find a cloth shower curtain and make your own artwork. Do add some real plants and the suggestion of having a large one that fits the room. Don't forget pillows with different textures.

    LOVE the room and see so much potential which is what you want your buyers to see!

  • G.B. Woot G.B. Woot on Feb 06, 2017

    Looking back over the pictures, I see what might be a nice large piece of artwork. I'm not sure if it will fit over the fireplace, but perhaps it would work. You could use it as the "pop of color" choice and tie it together. Thank goodness the furniture is neutral, but some or all the throw pillows need to go and replaced with some that create interest.

  • Kathy Homme Kathy Homme on Feb 06, 2017

    I would take down the hanging swag lamp, turn the couch to face the fireplace creating an L shaped seating. Hang the large abstract painting you currently have over the fireplace. Put the chaise lounge angled at the right side of the fireplace toward the conversation area you just created and add few pillows for a pop of accent color. The throw pillows currently in the room look tired and too matchy-matchy. Perhaps an inexpensive throw across the chaise that brings the eye down away from the expanse of the wall.

  • Susan Susan on Feb 06, 2017

    Lighted colored area rug is great idea. Clear the room anything not needed (too many plants, magazines, etc.) Since I don't see a TV this must be a gathering/socializing area. Make it seem more that way by restaging furniture: move corner table from left to right side of fireplace; move adorable longer table from end of loveseat flush against left-side fireplace wall; move sofa so that if faces fireplace & slide loveseat so that window is then more centered behind it; move chaise & small table closer to fireplace and turn at 45 degree angle (near built in shelf); move reading lamp behind/close to chaise. Loose the hanging lamp completely!! Pillows looks sad/worn/dated - update with new ones or add stuffing and recover for a pop of color. Update the fireplace wall by adding distressed wood directly over opening to ceiling (placed horizontally) for added character & interest. Or something easy/inexpensive/removable to do - purchase plates, platters, serving chargers (non-breakable plastic will work) from thrift stores. Paint them with 1 or more of the really cool new "hammered/metal" spray paints and attach to fireplace wall with Command Performance strips. You can achieve an endless number of lay-out patterns. Then make the pillow colors complement the paint color used on the plates. Large candles on the tables on each side of the fireplace are nice & add welcome homey fragrance for showings.

  • Jos3456843 Jos3456843 on Feb 07, 2017

    Donna Kinney Trufant, MI

    Using hinges attach two tall window shutters together for one side of fireplace and use two more shutters hinged on the other side. Lay a stained or painted board over the tops of the shutters for a mantel shelf. Shutters can be stained, painted or maybe a crackle finish for an older look. Decorate the shelf as you see fit or put a couple of ivy plants that don't need a lot of sun light. Some new pillows or covers using colors in the wall art. Reconsider the lighting and a scarf type valance over the window as someone else suggested. Perhaps some candles in the fireplace or basket of flowers. Experiment with furniture placement.

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Feb 07, 2017

    eliminate the display cabinet and swag. For the mantle, find in your storeroom, or make a console table to fit a bit narrower than that shelf. Stair rails, newel posts, fence posts, etc are about the right height. Possibly "shabby chic" the legs to match the brick. A stained board to match the flooring laid on top will allow you to prop their painting, or another.

    24" or so spring rods (with faux linen shirred curtains) held up by 2 Command hooks each maybe cover the "side" windows. Larger of sofas under window, with the pedestal in hallway as table near fireplace. end table at far end as corner, and shorter sofa unit to form the L, facing fireplace. Put the dual-light lamp and table under it beneath the artwork on the far right wall. Chaise in far right corner (fireplace) with the floor lamp and the decorative box from the hall and floor lamp to its right.

    Explain kindly to the owner that what looks like a statue of the Virgin Mother is too personal, and that you will wrap it carefully. Like family photos.

    It's CA, so they are probably real plants. But not attractive. Disperse them as you see fit. Eliminate whatever that white thing is on open shelving and generally declutter to allow more light into that hallway. Since the rugs all match, they would be ok with a lighter coffee table, or at least light-colored stuff on that table. And throw pillows to bring out the reds, black and/or beige in the rugs. Bring the color and light up, like the curtains and faux-mantle.

  • Cynthiaeschendal Cynthiaeschendal on Feb 08, 2017

    Personally I'd add some interest to the light fixture near the fireplace. Perhaps use 2 wire planter baskets and put together to create a really rustic modern light fixture bringing some interest. Keeping in that theme I'd look for pallet wood and put together a large piece to just paint one coat of background color. Then I'd use any left over paint from the house and use dollar store ketchup and mustard containers to spray or drop the paint on the piece to create a very bold interesting piece (sort of Pollack Style painting). Get those clips you can get from hardware store to clip to the brick and hang your masterpiece. Or if you are not so inclined. See if you can find a vintage clock from the 50's you know the type large spoke type design. The larger the better. Use same hardware store clip to hang your clock.

  • Jcraw Jcraw on Feb 08, 2017

    Why is nothing against the walls? If it's because the rug is too small, get them all out and replace. Room looks half the size it ought. Who walks behind a sofa, stepping over wires!?

    They are only utilizing two-thirds of the room.

    I still say fabricate a console that will fit on the hearth to become a mantle. You need to prop some art and break up the giant brick edifice. "L" the sofas, and lighten up the coffee table even if it's with a low plush plant.

  • Tina Smith Tina Smith on Feb 09, 2017

    Try getting some Wrought Iron Decorations to hang on each side. They have Brick Clips you can use.

  • Jane Highwater Jane Highwater on Feb 12, 2017

    My daughter is an artist - she regularly rents paintings for home staging.

  • G.B. Woot G.B. Woot on Mar 11, 2017

    I would love to see what you came up with!

  • Ginny Ginny on Mar 16, 2017

    I would loose some of the plants, particularly the one that is hiding the clock. Also the Blessed Mother statue might not appeal to some viewers although I know it is sacred to you. (No offense intended). These items could be stored until you reach your new home. A log holder or large box with wood in it would certainly have a place near the firebox. A grouping of candles on the hearth in brighter colors would look nice. Borrow some fireplace items from friends if you don't have them or want to buy them.

  • Thank you everyone for your ideas. Your tips are appreciated and I utilized many of your ideas. I wasn't able to paint the fireplace wall, but got so many good ideas from you all about how to minimize the dark/dull room, and still use the homeowners furnishings. The house turned out lovely & we are live & ready to sell. Thanks so much!!!

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  • BabyBoomerSC BabyBoomerSC on Mar 24, 2017
    • Get rid of the swag light fixture.
    • Purchase bookshelves for each side of the fireplace and stage with greenery, pottery, and books.
    • Hang a large mirror above the fireplace.
    • Remove the green plants - there's too many. Choose one and put it in a corner.
    • Hang a picture over whatever is painted on the wall behind the couch.
    • The couches look worn and tired - can you slipcover them or at least put a pretty patterned throw over the back of each?
    • I'd also push the couch back towards the wall. I don't like the small distance that is there and all you can see are cords from the lamps.

    • BabyBoomerSC BabyBoomerSC on Mar 24, 2017

      Woops, hit reply too soon!

      • I'd move the couch to face the fireplace and put the long side table that is currently next to the loveseat behind it as a console table. I'd then move the love seat to the wall where the couch was to create an L.
      • If you can't remove the chaise, I'd put it angled on the window wall facing the fireplace.
  • G.B. Woot G.B. Woot on Mar 28, 2017

    I LOVE it! It looks so nice with clean lines and soft colors.

  • Peter Peter on Jun 10, 2020

    I love how you renovate your living room, looks nice. This renovation helped you raise the value of the house, I guess. When I sold my house, I didn't want to do renovations or to make any changes. I wanted to sell my house very quickly. I contacted this company and they did what I wanted. They very quickly evaluated my house, offered me the best prices on the market and quickly completed the property clearance.