How do I plant an avocado?

by Sus20125009
Do you have to wait for a stem to come up on the avocado pit?
  10 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Feb 08, 2017

    Soak the pit in water until it splits enough to be able to insert toothpick. Leave in the water until roots form then plant in a good soil. Water only when dry to the touch.

  • Spe5095167 Spe5095167 on Feb 09, 2017

    I always just put the entire pit into a plant pot (with other plants) and it comes up. Just clean it before planting (that is what I do anyway), stick in soil and it comes up. I have only done this indoors though. I plant every pit when we eat avocados and just give the plants away when I have too many.

  • Martha schermann Martha schermann on Feb 09, 2017

    Take a plastic ziploc bag a little bit of potting soil and moisten the soil, place the avocado pit inside and seal it up and it will start to split then take it out and plant it.

  • Don Silvers Don Silvers on Feb 09, 2017

    I have a question, about avacado tree starts I have one right now and hope to get another to start as well, but where I live they have to be moved indoors so as not to freeze, so the long and the short of it is this ...can they be grown in a bonsia style and if so will they produce fruit??

  • Arlis Arlis on Feb 10, 2017

    I doubt avacadoes can grow as bonsi , wouldnt be large enough to hold the fruit.. I have one 4 feet tall in a regular bucket. in winter I just put it on my deck..If we have freezing I cover it with a large garbage bag..soon I will have to move it to a 5 gallon bucket but will still be able tomove it..usually takes several years before they will produce.

  • Charlette Vroman-Smith Charlette Vroman-Smith on Feb 13, 2017

    Just know that trees started from the pits, do not produce avocados. The ones that produce the fruit are grafted.

  • Juj11220159 Juj11220159 on Feb 14, 2017

    When my sister was 7 years old she stuck an avocado pit in the backyard and it eventually grew to 30 feet tall over the years. She is now 64 and that tree is still there. It doesn't bear fruit but is beautiful.

  • Danielle Odin Danielle Odin on Feb 14, 2017

    If you plant it on your property, remember that it grows into a huge tree. and it loves the sun. They are native to Mexico and Central America. If you want the fruit you will need to graft it while it is still young. It takes about 5 years before it bears. Some pits have b een known to give fruit without grafting but if you bought yours in a supermarket, the chances are it was sprayed to keep it form doing just that. Some GMO avocados do not grow or bear fruit.

  • Zest it Up Zest it Up on Feb 15, 2017

    HI there!! I recently did a blog post on how to plant an avocado seed! Check it out here:

    I hope this helps you out!!