Homemade Lemon And Lavender Hand Scrub

Rosemary & Thyme
by Rosemary & Thyme
7 Materials
Hello friends. Today, I am sharing something a little different and fun with you all. It is an easy to make homemade lemon and lavender hand scrub which I promise will work wonders on your rough and dehydrated skin. I like using aromatic herbs and essentials oils for many things but these days, I especially love to use them for making my own beauty treatments.

Scrubs have many wonderful benefits.  They whisk away dead skin cells, resulting in brighter, more radiant skin.  They also improve the skin's absorption of other products such as moisturizers and oils. But more importantly, when combined with scented oils, they help to relax, soothe and calm.   And who doesn't need that these days right??

Homemade hand scrubs are inexpensive and very easy to make. Best of all, you can customize them. Whether you want to make them for yourself, or as gifts for friends or family, I hope you give this DIY project a try.

This 8 oz. glass canning jar is the perfect size if you want to make these for a gift.

Here is what you need:

1 Cup of granulated sugar
1 teaspoon honey
Juice of half a lemon
Lemon zest (half a lemon)
1/4 cup of olive oil
10 drops of lavender essential oil
1 teaspoon of lavender (chopped-really fine)
Mixing bowl
Small grater
Mason Jar for storing 

Zest Lemon

Chopped lavender.. Really fine


Place honey and olive oil in mixing bowl

Add fresh lemon juice and lemon zest

Add fresh lemon juice, lemon zest and sugar. Mix well.

Add fresh lavender and lavender oil and mix well.  If you prefer a thicker consistency, you can add more sugar.  Have fun with this.  You can use your favorite scented oil too if you do not care for lavender or you can simply make it with the lemon scent.  It is up to you.  

Place scrub in individual jars and enjoy.  Be sure to wet skin before applying to your hands. You will love how soft and hydrated your skin will be. I suggest refrigerating the hand scrub if you will not be using it often and as always, if you have any skin allergies or sensitive skin, please check with your doctor before using this hand scrub.

Thank you for being here today.  I hope you enjoy this fun project.   Please follow link below for more photos and full post for this project. Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Pinterest and my blog.

Wishing you a wonderful week,


Suggested materials:
  • Fresh Lavender   (Supermarket)
  • Fresh Lemons   (Supermaket)
  • Lavender Oil   (Supermarket)
See all materials
Rosemary & Thyme
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Frequently asked questions
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3 of 21 questions
  • Debbie Debbie on Mar 07, 2019

    Instead of sugar, can Epson or sea salt be used instead?

  • Luci Luci on Mar 21, 2019

    since this has natural ingredients, what is the self life?

  • Gabrielle Falk Gabrielle Falk on Oct 23, 2022

    I actually keep a small container of sugar under the kitchen sink; to use if I've been cutting up, say garlic or onion. Also use after gardening. I don't wear gloves-I know I should- because I get more dirt and water inside the gloves, than on my hands. I will surely give your 'recipe' a go. My two lavenders are starting to bloom now in Sydney (October). Can I actually use any part of the lavender plant-flowers or leaves at all, or is it better to use the oild-for a stronger fragrance. tku. Gabrielle.

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2 of 41 comments
  • Fran Fowler Fran Fowler on Nov 17, 2022

    Sounds absolutely amazing to receive as a gift, and I believe it is something I could manage to do successfully to present gifts during the holidays ~

    Thank you so much! 😊

  • Terilynnaloha 🌺 Terilynnaloha 🌺 on Jul 08, 2024

    Although I do admire those who are, I am not much of a crafty type person. I've never attempted to make anything like this but it does seem to be a pretty easy project and perfect for a beginner such as myself.

    Plus, I love this kind of stuff so I will definitely give it a try.

    Thanks for sharing.

    T. 🌺
