Bath tub tube sealer won't come off! Help!

Dorothy Patone
by Dorothy Patone
  • Between the bathtub and tile we used CLEAR sealer in a tube. We applied the sealler and someone unknown to that took a bath or shower and the CLEAR sealer remained around the bottom side of the tub. Soap residue on the sealer remains on the tub. I have tried everything to remove the Scum off and it won't come off. The tub looks dirty
Any idea What to use to clean it off? Thanks!

  5 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Feb 16, 2017

    I hope this one helps you out, good luck!

  • Christine Christine on Feb 16, 2017

    Thank you so much for your tip. I never would have thought of that. As strange as this sounds, I'm excited about facing my rental property's yucky bathtub

  • Deanna Maidwell Deanna Maidwell on Feb 20, 2017

    I've started becoming a lemon juice enthusiast and was cleaning my old tub which has old caulk and adhesive on it- my house is almost ninety years old so it's been through a lot of renovations... I was using lemon juice to clean one day and thought I would try it out and it took the adhesive/caulk/grout right off and spiffed up nice and white... I also found out I could use it on some old dark stain on the hardwood floors that was here when we moved in, used that and some coconut oil and you can't tell the difference between that part of the floor and the part that wasn't messed up... I love lemon juice!

    • Karen Karen on Feb 22, 2017

      I couldn't wait to try lemon juice on our floor as soon as I saw your post! We moved in to an old house that has the original hardwood floors however in the kitchen it is pretty rough. Obviously the fridge had leaked at some point in the last 60 years and I have tried everything short of tearing out the boards to fix the black stain. Also some of the nails had rusted leaving black streaks. I cut a fresh lemon in half and got to work just using the lemon. It was instant!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! The nail marks are going to take a few more treatments but it's working.

  • Scout Scout on Feb 21, 2017

    Thanks! wd40? Never knew. Great tip!

  • Deanna Maidwell Deanna Maidwell on Feb 23, 2017

    I used stainless steel pot scrubbers to scrub the marks off... You just have to be careful because it can take all the finish off... Glad I could help... makes me feel good knowing I can help someone else with stuff I know... Thank you!