Tip: OK guys, here's how to keep the entryway organized and neat!

Marcia Lazenby
by Marcia Lazenby
first of all ..have one designated entry area into the home for family....and greet guest and all others in the another entry/door..
if you have children etc...i suggest using the entry from the garage into the house ....by putting pegboard/bench /boot trays etc in the Garage (at this door/entry.)...the children can put coat/shoes and throw whatever else on the bench....the peg board can handle coats/hats/book bags.....this is the cheapest easiest way ....of course the other is to buy/or build a mudroom mentality entry...consisting of hooks/baskets/cupboard etc....and most important of all...is if you would time how long it takes to take the coat /bookbag/briefcase/purse etc to the Owners - bedroom of this property- it is less than 5 minutes ..so i see no excuse for this problem .....
  1 answer
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Feb 20, 2017

    I never would have thought of separate guest and family sections, that could save us from a lot of mess, thanks!!