Looking for some new ideas for a bowl set

by Jennifer
I want to do something different to this bowl set. Already thought of several things but still need something different. Any ideas?icon
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 03, 2017

    Make them into succulent planters.Line the bowls with plastic liners ,fill with succulent soil and plant.

    • Jennifer Jennifer on Mar 03, 2017

      I love plants, mainly house plants. I thought of that first but I already have 15 plants in the house. Some big , some small. Just not enough room for more.

      Thanks for the suggestion

  • Vicki Cain Vicki Cain on Mar 03, 2017

    Turn them upside down and make wind chimes out of them. Or hanging lamp shades strung with beads and ribbons.

  • Jennifer Jennifer on Mar 03, 2017

    I thought of the lamp shade too, but wrapped in rope. I like the beads with wire maybe.

    I had not thought of a wind chime though. Hmmm maybe chain, nuts, washers and bolts for an industrial look?

    Thanks I'm thinking now.

  • Mary Mary on Mar 04, 2017

    Chain them together for a hanging basket. If you use them outside with flowers just line with moss. If you keep them in the house store fruit or veggies or utensils, napkins, pot holder or dish towels

    • Jennifer Jennifer on Mar 04, 2017

      Hi, I thought of that also. I built more counter space in my kitchen out of steel, wood and granite. We are remodeling the kitchen which is a work in progress and have more granite counter tops but no cabinets yet. Yes I know it is backwards but the granite was something free and couldn't be passed up . What I built is for pots, pans, other cookware and dish towels until we get more cabinets.

      I did think about hanging baskets in the bathroom for more storage or to put some craft stuff in but I'm just not seeing that.

      Here's a picture of what I made out of scrap material. You can see dish towels on one of the racks. It will do for now.

      Thanks for your suggestions  !

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  • CecileH CecileH on Mar 07, 2017

    Since you don't have an abundance of cupboard space, what if you chained them together water fall style and add hooks on each basket's top ring to hang cups, in the baskets you could store tea, sugar, honey, tea spoons etc to make yourself a tea/coffee station.

    • Jennifer Jennifer on Mar 07, 2017

      I already have a coffee area but still a great idea for the bathroom. I was thinking hanging and weaving rope around the bowls. Maybe incorporating shells or painting the rope? Still thinking on this project  Thanks for you thoughts!

      comment photo
  • Jennifer Jennifer on Mar 10, 2017

    I tried all kinds of things with this set of baskets and nothing looked right so I made a three tiered stand.

    Thanks for your ideas!

  • this idea is a little "out there" but maybe you can make a tiered garden fountain using river rocks in the baskets and clear tubing. I would have to work on some more details but it is an idea.

    • Jennifer Jennifer on Mar 24, 2017

      I have already done the baskets into a Simple Three Tier Storage but I so like that idea I might use some other baskets I have for a fountain!

      Thanks for the idea!