Do you have any advice for growing cannabis?

John Jaeger
by John Jaeger
I know this is out of the question for some people, but it is becoming a big deal in California as well as a few other states. Lots of people buying land in the warmer areas of the state and then comes the problem of water.
  30 answers
  • William William on Mar 10, 2017


  • John Jaeger John Jaeger on Mar 11, 2017

    Why what?

  • Barb Miller Barb Miller on Mar 11, 2017

    move to Cal

  • Linda Gayle Jackson Holt Linda Gayle Jackson Holt on Mar 12, 2017

    It is my understanding that cannabis will grow wild in many places in the U.S. First, make sure it is legal to grow where you are. Then, stick some in the ground and see what happens.

  • William William on Mar 13, 2017

    Once you plant it use Round Up. Heard its a great fertilizer for cannabis Lots of rules and regulations to follow. Consider working at a cannabis farm part time to learn the ins and outs.

  • Haley Haley on Mar 13, 2017

    don't get caught!

  • Sylvia Candler Sylvia Candler on Mar 13, 2017

    You really should check the law on growing it first. It is highly regulated and you just can't stick a few seeds in the ground and be done with it or you will wind up in jail. You could possibly become a licensed grower but check first, grow later.

  • John Jaeger John Jaeger on Mar 13, 2017

    My idea was to grow just for my own needs. In my state it's legal to grow 6 plants. I have migraines and depression plus the aches and pains of growing old. I don't want to grow to sell just a few plants just for my own needs. Nothing more. I do have a Medical marijuana card so I don't think it would be against the law.

  • John Jaeger John Jaeger on Mar 13, 2017

    Round Up huh? Good one.

  • Susan Hill Susan Hill on Mar 13, 2017

    Cannabis is a weed. Once it starts, it is difficult to slow it down. Basic soil, water, sunshine. That is all it takes.

  • John Jaeger John Jaeger on Mar 14, 2017

    A weed that can relief to pain. It has a effect one people to increase there appetites, give relief to migraines and I know of one person it help him with MS that he no longer needs the harder drugs for relief plus he able to be more active in his life then he once was. Many people look at weed(cannabis)as a evil item but yet do they take any thing for pain. Headaches, muscle pain, etc? But that's a over the counter pill so it can't hurt me. Want to bet. Best you start to rethink things out. wc

    • Lori Swesey Lori Swesey on Mar 14, 2017

      Hi John Jaeger, We grow for my husband who has a medical card as well. You are entitled to grow six plants at a time, legally. Do not plant seeds because it is unsure if it is male or female. Buy Clones at your Cannabis club to ensure they are female. Plant them in April in the ground and by late October, they are done. During the winter months, we have six in the house growing. They don't get as big, but we don't use any special lighting they stay in the dining room by the sunniest window. March is when these ones are ready. We only use miracle grow on them and nothing else.

  • Judy Judy on Mar 15, 2017

    grow them the same as you would grow tomatoes....outside. ....same fert same sunlight...same water...mulch so you do not have to water as often...but you do not have to stake them....start them in house 6 to 8 weeks ahead of planting time...make sure you know how to sex them...otherwise you will get no viable crop....easy.

  • John Jaeger John Jaeger on Mar 15, 2017

    This is a part I don't understand about knowing which are male and female. I grew a few plants in a room that wasn't being used at the time with south facing windows and got a large crop but no buds. I wonder what was going on. I was able to extract a lot of THC from the plants once they dried out. Using a double boiler with butter and alcohol and the weed. From there the butter made great cookies. Thus I got the nick name of the "Cookie Man". So now to find more seeds and how to I.D. the plants. wc

  • John Jaeger John Jaeger on Mar 15, 2017

    fantastic news. You have been very understanding on a sensitive subject and touchy one. I have cluster migraines and depression and being 70 in June a few aches and pains for being a high end security installer. A couple of falls, hit the head and etc. I take the cannabis twice a day ONLY and only if needed. This is not for party time and has helped me out immensely yet allow me to a normal life. I wish those who don't use cannabis could try to keep as open a mind on the subject. I once felt the same way and the idea of using cannabis was totally out of the question. Thank you Lori. wc

  • Brian Griffin Brian Griffin on Feb 05, 2018

    You can grow indoor. It does not matter where you live.

    • See 1 previous
    • William Caldwell William Caldwell on Feb 06, 2018

      Yes, it is good variant. But in this case you need to choose good lights. I prefer led grow lights, because they are not only inexpensive that HID, but they also draw less power. It is important because cannabis plants need the grow lights to operate for at least 18 hours per day! Recently I bought Viparspectra grow lights, they provide a good balance of great features and price is not high, so it is a good choice. I found its review on it is top pick of best LED grow lights of 2017.

  • David C. David C. on Feb 07, 2018

    I recommend to search information on special websites about growing. I also recommend to grow indoor.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 28, 2020

    Where you live and the security of that area and your weather will determine if you grow outside, inside or hydroponically. Yes I knew a guy that grew hydroponically outdoors (in a shed).

    I grow outside but that is because where I live first it is legal and I stay within the legal number of plants allowed by law, we have some land and don't live in the city.

    I suggest two sites to check out.

    The first is Green Passion and the second is Roll It Up.

    If you go to Green Passion look up a guy called Toke. He knows it all! Green Passion used to have a good section on gorilla growing.

    I prefer Green Passion since in the past decade Roll It Up has gotten huge.

    If you grow outdoors in the ground you will amazed how big the plants get. Of course Sativa or Sativa hybrids are bigger sized to begin with.

  • Mogie Mogie on Aug 05, 2020

    If you live in CA (I live in OR) the weather is perfect for growing outside.

    I have found that the best seeds and ones that incorporate what you require is what to go with.

    If you go to Seedman's site they have filters that you can apply when looking for seeds. This will allow you to get the right seeds for you and your growing conditions.

    For example, you can get a strain that flowers early if you live in an area that is prone to frost.

    You can also order seeds that are mildew and bud proof.

    Or strains that are heavy producers.

  • YvonneAlsop YvonneAlsop on Nov 29, 2020

    Cannabis always grows faster indoors than outdoors. For the most part, this is due to the fact that Grover can control the lighting.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 13, 2021

    HI, Don't do it!

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 10, 2022

    If it is legal in your state do what you feel is right for you.

    Remember a lot of these shamers are trying to convience you not to grow but they go home a have a few glasses of wine or shots of whiskey.

    Pot produces a MUCH more mellow attitude then booze.

    Don't let a small minded person limit you. Do what is legal and right for you.

    I save huge amounts by growing my own. I know what strain the weed is, how it is grown, how it is cured and that is 100% organic.

    You can't gow a 15 foot plant indoors but you can outside and if you live in a state that limits the number of plants you can grow this is a big deal. I grow the legal limit but there is no limit on the size of the plant.

  • James Franko James Franko on Jun 15, 2022

    I am very glad that I read your posts on the topic of cultivation and now I am sure that I need this for personal use. What's more, a friend of mine suggested that I visit the website that sells the best cannabis seeds shipped to Connecticut. I also have fairly frequent back, neck and head pains, but when I smoke weed, I feel noticeably better. I hope that I can find a secluded place to plant at least a small number of pots. Good luck to everyone and I'll be following this thread in the future.

  • RayLee RayLee on Apr 10, 2024

    It's been a while since your post, but I wanted to offer some insight. Absolutely! Growing cannabis in California or any warm area requires careful planning, especially regarding water usage. Consider drought-resistant strains and efficient irrigation systems. It's also crucial to comply with local regulations. For more detailed guidance, check out this article about reliable seed banks at . Good luck!

  • Fungobianco Fungobianco on May 21, 2024

    Growing cannabis can be a rewarding but challenging endeavor, especially with factors like water availability to consider. My advice would be to start by researching the specific growing requirements for cannabis plants, including soil, nutrients, and lighting. It's also essential to stay informed about local regulations and restrictions, especially in California, where legalization is evolving. If you're interested, you might want to check out the post about the Difference between Indica and Sativa.

    Understanding the differences between these strains can help you choose the right one for your growing environment.

  • Janice Janice on May 21, 2024

    As always regarding growing of specific plants in specific areas outside, my advice is to contact your County Extension Agent's office.....don't see why this particular plant would be any different, plus they should know the laws of the State and County. I believe there would likely be a bit of relief provided just from caring for the plants which will get your brain off the pain you are suffering. 😎

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 21, 2024

    Don't do it! You will probably get cought and procecuted!

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 22, 2024

    Greenhouse probably since water is a huge CA issue

  • Tomhumar Tomhumar on Jun 04, 2024

    I’ve got some advice for growing cannabis. First, start with good-quality seeds. The better the seeds, the better your chances of growing healthy plants. Next, choose the right soil. Cannabis plants like soil that drains well but also retains some moisture. You can find special cannabis soil mixes online or at gardening stores. Also, make sure your plants get enough light. If you're growing indoors, use LED or HID lights. Outdoors, find a spot with plenty of sunlight. Watering is crucial. Too much water can cause root rot, while too little will dry out your plants. Try to keep the soil moist but not soaked. Nutrients are also important. Cannabis plants need a balanced mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You can buy cannabis-specific fertilizers to make this easier. Pest control is another factor. Keep an eye out for insects or mold and treat them quickly if they appear. Lastly, be patient. Growing cannabis takes time, and it's a learning process. If you're looking for equipment or seeds, check out this Webstore.

  • Deb K Deb K on Jun 07, 2024

    Hi John, hope this helps you. I grow it it Alberta, which has a fairly short growing season compared to California. I always plant "autoflower" vs "photoperiod"

    Autoflowers don't depend on seasonal changes to begin flowering. After the plant develops a few branches, it begins to flower “automatically”, which is why they are named autoflowers. Suffice it to say that autoflowers will flower no matter what conditions you provide. You will be able to grow both nicely. I use an organic soil called Gaia green earth and I use their fertilizer too, once per week. I give them water daily and they do the rest themselves. I grow these in pots and I only grow 4 plants a year.