What are your Suggestions? Should I repurpose or donate?

by JenCH
I've tried to come up with ideas for reusing a rubber shoe rack but my creative mind is not working. Any suggestions on what do with a tier shoe rack? Thank you

  8 answers
  • Rin Rin on Mar 12, 2017

    1. Maybe store lids on the top and pans/bowls underneath. 2. Put coffee cups/glasses upside down on it & tray with coffee items, tea bags, hot chocolate or flavors for water. 3. Office area, put ream of paper, notebook etc... under it & file folders on top.

    • JenCH JenCH on Mar 12, 2017

      Now you have the light blub flickering in my brain. Thank you Run.

  • Sandra Allen Sandra Allen on Mar 12, 2017

    Rin those are very cool ideas. I do the same but with yarn skeins. I have also used them for 6" by 8" notpads on their sides, paperbacks, photo frames, rolls of fabric, etc. Hope that helps.

  • Kellie Collins Kellie Collins on Mar 14, 2017

    can you take it apart? at all? maybe different parts could be used different ways, or you could put it back together sort of a different way and use it somehow. i like Rin's and Sandra's ideas though!

  • Rrr14990393 Rrr14990393 on Mar 15, 2017

    Stand upright in back of runing plants and put he branches on them. pole beans etc.

  • Paulette Paulette on Mar 15, 2017

    I know it comes apart, because I had one once. The sides come off, leaving three pieces of rack. I can't come up with a use. I think mine was rummaged years ago.

  • Nayshunda O Burke Nayshunda O Burke on Mar 16, 2017

    Instead of throwing mine away, I used them for a file rack in my office. I used left over paint to resurface them.

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    • Sharon Sharon on Mar 31, 2017

      If you are an artist, these are great for drying or storing paintings.

  • Sul6462005 Sul6462005 on Mar 17, 2017

    I used mine for bracelets

  • Susan Flora Susan Flora on Mar 17, 2017

    In snow country, wet boots, socks, mittens etc. can be placed on the hoops to dry. Place the whole rack over a heating vent.


    Remove legs and hang on wall to organize spools of ribbon.


    Remove legs and hang on end wall of hall closet to organize scarves or long handles handbags, crossbody handbags bags, removable long straps for handbags, umbrella, walking sticks, etc.