How can I paint my glass table top?

by Marykrhodes
I have a bistro style table in my kitchen with a glass top and wooden legs. I don't want to cover the top but would like ideas and how I can paint a design (maybe on the under side) on the table.
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 13, 2017

  • Colimbia1 Colimbia1 on Mar 13, 2017

    Are you familiar with Unicorn Spit. I have yet to try a project with it but you can find many references on Hometalk and Pinterest. People seem to use it very successfully on almost anything. Just yesterday on Hometalk there was a posting that I think might be something you could get an idea from.


    It is on glass and put in a picture frame but I think this idea could be adapted to paint on the underside of your table. Also check out Pinterest. There are probably hundreds of projects on there and most are amazing.

    When you finish your table please post it on Hometalk for everyone to see.

    Good luck!

  • Johnchip Johnchip on Mar 13, 2017

    Reverse glass painting goes back many hundreds of years.

  • 861650 861650 on Mar 14, 2017

    How about using wallpaper, wrapping paper or even fabric under the glass. You would have a choice of thousands of designs and colors to play with. This way you can always change your mind...I have done this. Further, you could color coordinate your design in to your kitchen with cushions and curtains. Cover for a lampshade and even around a tin can for pencils/pens or whatever you could dream up. First make a template from an old sheet, or even newspaper (taping several pieces together) so it is big enough. Measure and cut till you get a perfect fit. Lay the template over your wallpaper, etc., and cut out your design. I suggest to make 2 to 3 exact copies of your design and place all of them under the glass. If one gets dirty or damaged just remove that one.

    • You are an absolute genius! I love you to pieces!!! That is perfect, especially since I like to change up things with the seasons. I'm very eclectic and like "different" things. This is what the table looks like now, I bought chair covers to fit our different personalities. It was cute for about 3 months and now I'm bored. Plus Spring is coming, so time to change it up. Thanks so much! PERFECT idea!!!

      comment photo
  • 861650 861650 on Mar 14, 2017

    Mary, thank you so much for sharing the picture! Really! I thought your glass sat on a wooden table top. OOPS! I am so laughing! Here is another idea. Make table runners out of contact paper and make several (don't take the backing off.) You could drape the "extras" over a rounded, wooden clothes hanger or wrap a face cloth or something on the hanger so that it does not make a crease. Hang in closet. You can use just one runner or place two crossing one another. Problem: your table is rounded so you may not be able to drape them over the sides so you can cut them to match right to the edge. Remember you can use that pattern on a flower vase, a tin can for pens/pencils, make a book cover, etc. And about those chairs. An idea just now popped in to my head. The seats are probably screwed in so they would be easy to take off. Make a template for the seats, (possibly using one of the originals) fold under and staple. As for the backs, you could make small table runners for them. Play with the length till you get it just right. At the bottom of runner, fold so the ends come to a point. If you're using fabric, secure with a button. Hey, if you do not sew, use that tape for fabric. The best part is that you will end up with a pattern (templates) for everything. So, the next time you get a little crazy, whip out those templates and redecorate!

  • If you are looking for patterns, try coloring books. The copy store can enlarge to your desired size.

  • Terrie Terrie on Mar 17, 2017

    You could try using a large round medallion stencil and spray glass frost on the underneath side, spray the entire table . you can always scratch it off when you get tired of it

    or I suppose you could use any removable paint and just paint inside the stencil