How can I make an imitation brick wall fireplace?

by Caramiamine
Where do I get the imitation brick wall for a fireplace? I think I saw one here...
  3 answers
  • Wanda.ll Wanda.ll on Mar 21, 2017

    Here is what I did on my daughters wall to make brick looking wall. I took the stuff you use to make texture on walls. I put a bunch on part of wall then took finger and made the lines going across and then the down one.If you want prefect us a lever to across lines we didn't. Didn't take long. Let dry then painter the brick and motor the color she wanted. She wanted red bricks . Also then went over in some area and made it look like part of crumbling wall( I mixed yellow paint in texture but you could do any color brick and over stuff . Think like the houses in Italy finish.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 21, 2017

    There are many ideas posted here.

  • Andrew Bounader Andrew Bounader on Mar 21, 2017


    Many years ago there were 'Brick faces' made by a couple of brick manufacturers where they had cut the 230mmx76 mm (9"x 3") face off the brick using a brick saw and then packaged as 'Brick Faces'. The trick to making them look authentic was to screed the wall with mortar and place the faces onto the screed, working from the bottom to the top, using a 10mm spacer, (bricks are not uniform in size and may need some tweeking to look right. An alternative is to try and find "Giggi Bricks" which are / were an imitation plastic and stone brick face, using construction adhesive to fix them in place and tile grout to give it the 'mortar' look.