How can I care for an orchid?

Linda Dellmyer
by Linda Dellmyer
  4 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 19, 2017

  • Bridget Bridget on Mar 19, 2017

    I have kept orchids alive for many many years -Im sure there is way better advice than I can give but Rule #1 for sure, for SURE: never ever let an orchid sit in water... they like really good drainage, and a good soaking maybe like once a week. -I literally hold mine over the sink, soak it really really well, let all the water drain out and leave it be. Tip: I have gotten orchids planted in a plastic pot that was placed in a decorative ceramic pot -so of course when you water it, the water drains into the ceramic pot and there you go-it ends up soaking in water, and will eventually die if you leave it like this for a long time. So if this is your case, you gotta take it out of that bigger pot)...I also read somewhere they don't like metal pots, but I'm not for sure on this. (But why risk it!) I do know also, They like indirect sun, clean leaves, and not to be messed with too much. if you ever need to repot, get an actual orchid medium .. never plant in regular potting soil... it usually consists of mulch, perlite, peat moss, or a mixture of these. And of course, a really well draining pot-they have special ones just for orchids... And just know, they like to have some of their "air roots" grow over the pot-this is normal. I'll just say, though, mine rarely bloom so I can't help you there! Obviously I'm not that much of an expert lol. I've never fertilized mine maybe that's the problem... there is a special orchid fertilizer You can buy! But what I've said so far, will at least keep it alive if nothing else! For MANY years, actually! (As in 10+)!

  • Doanie Doanie on Mar 21, 2017

    I am addicted to orchids and I do not have a green thumb and I am no expert, but I have really good luck with orchids. Some of mine have been in BLOOM for years! I think my secret is that I have found the perfect spot in my house. The orchids sit in a huge east facing window that is opaque frosted. I like to keep my house relatively cool, so at night it is about 60 to 70 degrees depending on time of year, so the temperature rises somewhat in day time. The daytime room temperature is about 68 to 73 degrees. (in central Texas it gets really hot in summer so even with the air conditioner running it can get pretty warm). The orchids like humidity and I happen to have water fountain that runs constantly that is about 2 feet away from the orchids, and thus creates a more humid environment. Punch some more holes in the sides of the plastic pot the orchids comes in. Don't get orchids that are planted in moss, but rather woody medium. Place a layer of large 3/4" gravel rocks in the bottom of a decorative vase a little bigger than the plastic container and keep a little water in the rocks for humidity. Then set the orchid plastic pot on the gravel making sure it is on the rocks but not touching water. Water orchids one time per week or less. Easy way to water is just place the plastic pot in water for about 5 minutes. And I use an orchid fertilizer. And I talk to them because they are so beautiful so I let them know how happy they make me.