How can I get rid of a groundhog who keeps eating my plants?

Nancy DeCarpio
by Nancy DeCarpio
  4 answers
  • Ella Goebel Ella Goebel on Mar 21, 2017

    Wish I had some brilliant idea - I have gophers - but I ended up putting all my plants in pots! I live on a farm so I had lots of containers to pick from and ended up with some cute things eventually. Good luck!

    • Nancy DeCarpio Nancy DeCarpio on Mar 21, 2017

      Thanks. I have a few pots on my back porch with tomato plants. It is totally screened in so he can't get to them, but I would love to have my garden back.

  • Judy Judy on Mar 21, 2017

    Plant some Marigolds between the plants. The smell of Marigolds the animals HATE, and won't go near it. Try it, before you reject it, ok? It may sound crazy, but some great ideas, do sound crazy at first, right? Best wishes.

  • Mary Mary on Mar 21, 2017

    Find out where he is coming out of throw some carrots his way every day or a sweet potato and he'll leave your stuff alone. A lot less work than transplanting

  • Eloise Eloise on Mar 23, 2017

    This method was meant to keep squirrels out of the garden, but has kept dogs from urinating on plants closest to the sidewalk in my garden. It works on the squirrels until the odor from the mothballs starts to fade. It may work on cats. Worth a try. I don't bother with the popsicle sticks. Also, available from Lowe's and Amazon is a product by Bonide called Repels-All that works really well. Unfortunately, it's not cheap and has to be applied frequently.