Any orchid hobbyist?

by Dsu21991615
I am an 85 year old and my hono-hono orchids are in there anyone out there in flowerland interested in orchids?
  23 answers
  • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 22, 2017

    Forgot to add in my posting about orchids that this is my first time participating in a dscussion......dorothy

  • Tim Rose Tim Rose on Mar 22, 2017

    I absolutely love orchids. I bought four of them when I was in Florida visiting my daughter. I live in upstate NY and they are doing absolutely wonderful.

    • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 22, 2017

      The photo attached is a white honohono and rewards me with the most sweetest exotic scent. My orchid plants are grown in my backyard and during this time of the year......orchids blossoms profusely......the honohono are most everyone's favorite and there is an orchid show mainly of honohonos this weekend at the high school. Where do you grow your orchids?

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  • Susan Susan on Mar 23, 2017

    I love orchids. I usually have several. Fairly easy to grow with proper care.

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    • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 23, 2017

      Susan, thank you for loving orchids as I do! In Hawaii, beginning in March, the honohono (dendrobium specie) bloom profusely in different colors, shapes and gives off the most exotic scent ever! My orchids grow in the backyard. If you were to visit me, I'd pick blossoms for you to put on your hair. The photo is of different honohono in one pot.

  • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 23, 2017

    Susan, thank you for loving orchids as I do! In Hawaii, beginning in March, the honohono (dendrobium specie) bloom, bloom and bloom in different colors, shapes and give off the most exotic scent ever! My orchids grow in the backyard! If you visit me, I'd pick blossoms for you to pin on your head! The photo attached are diffent honohono in one pot.

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  • Shoshana Shoshana on Mar 23, 2017

    Welcome to discussions Dorothy!  I love your orchids!! They're just gorgeous! I don't think I've ever seen that type of orchid before in bloom.

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    • Shoshana Shoshana on Mar 28, 2017

      Thanks for the info! Love how beautiful they're looking!!

  • Tim Rose Tim Rose on Mar 23, 2017

    I'm not lucky enough to grow mine outside. In upstate NY it gets pretty cold. This morning it is only 18 degrees out so mine are in my house in a south window where the sun gets to them everyday, when there is sun! LOL Matter of fact I reconstructed the sill to make it wider so that I had ample room to put my plants there.

  • Tim Rose Tim Rose on Mar 23, 2017

    I'm not lucky enough to grow mine outside. In upstate NY it gets pretty cold. This morning it is only 18 degrees out so mine are in my house in a south window where the sun gets to them everyday, when there is sun! LOL Matter of fact I reconstructed the sill to make it wider so that I had ample room to put my plants there.

  • Tim Rose Tim Rose on Mar 23, 2017

    I'm not lucky enough to grow mine outside. In upstate NY it gets pretty cold. This morning it is only 18 degrees out so mine are in my house in a south window where the sun gets to them everyday, when there is sun! LOL Matter of fact I reconstructed the sill to make it wider so that I had ample room to put my plants there.

  • Susan Susan on Mar 23, 2017

    That is beautiful! I'd love to visit Hawaii, but can't afford it at this time. I also have a plumeria. the fragrance on that is amazing too. I have to grow my orchids inside here. I bet yours are wonderful!

  • Iam7938103 Iam7938103 on Mar 23, 2017

    I have grown orchids for 40 years, first in CT on my windowsill , then for 16 years in the Florida Keys outside year round. I'm now in Savannah , outside Spring, Summer and Fall and back inside for our fairly short winter. I am a member of The Deep South Orchid Society . I recommend joining a nearby orchid society. Most large cities have one. You get to meet new friends and definitely get a ton of knowledge, and get to see their beautiful orchids they bring to our meetings.

    We are lucky to have our meetings at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens,

    where we have a large collection of members orchids in the greenhouse . We are looking forward to our annual Orchid Show April 28-30.

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    • Iam7938103 Iam7938103 on Mar 28, 2017

      I am little surprised that you are using potting soil . Dendrobium orchids need to breathe however I see the lovely flowers so they must be happy.

      Do you live on the Big Island? I used to buy orchids from a grower there.

      I was in the travel business for 40 years and traveled to Hawaii often.

  • Barbara C Barbara C on Mar 24, 2017

    Just visited the Orchid Show at Botanical Gardens in Atlanta,Ga.Home of the national Orchid Society. Of course they are in the Greenhouses, but many,many varieties,beautiful colors, shapes,histories,backgrounds, a real lesson on Orchids.

    The show is here every late Feb. to early March. My daughter and I love Orchids.

    Hers are in bloom now.

    • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 26, 2017

      Last weekend, I wasn't able to attend an orchid show in my hometown of Wahiawa as I was having the house tented for termite fumigation. Wahiawa with its rainy and cool climate is know for it's honohono orchids. My plants are grown underneath a shade cloth enclosure. Aloha, Dorothy

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  • Jeanette Miller Shade Jeanette Miller Shade on Mar 24, 2017

    This is my first time participating. I love orchids,but never tried growing them. I would really like to learn all about growing them and how to take care of them.

    I live in SWFL, have a screened in lanai with a western view and eager to learn all about orchids.

    • Sharon Sharon on Mar 26, 2017

      our lanai faces north. They are outside year round. If it gets lower then 50 dg., then I bring them in.

  • Rockie Rockie on Mar 24, 2017

    I love orchids! I am really wanting to learn to grow them. However, I live in Arizona. Is it possible to grow them inside, even in a dry climate????

    • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 28, 2017

      Rockie, I'm not sure if I already replied and if I did, forgive me as I am new to Hometalk. Sure, orchids love the sun and shade..... Indoors will be perfect. My town of Wahiawa with its cool and rainy climate is known for honohono orchids......I wonder if they would be happy in Arizona. My orchids are grown under a netted shade cloth and they bloom profusely during the month of March.....and the scent wafting around the backyard is magnificent. Am sending you a photo I took yesterday.....Dorothy

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  • Diana Carnes Diana Carnes on Mar 25, 2017

    My first orchid just bloomed again after 3 years of keeping me company in the kitchen where it gets indirect light and moisture when it needs it. I intent to read more about orchids, but never seem to remember when I get online! Mine is white. It is the ony orchid I have ever owned - but it feels more ike a pet than a plant!

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    • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 28, 2017

      Diana, I kinda' got confused with Hometalk "reply and comment" but think got a handle on it now. My orchids are grown outdoors underneath a shadecloth and most of the orchids are honohonos of the dendrobium variety. I have four phalenopsis plants and a lots of cattaleyas. I use a mixture of fir bark and MiracleGro potting soil for all of the orchids. I'm sending you a photo that I took Sunday of honohono so and a violet-pink phalenopsis.....Dorothy

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  • Debby Debby on Mar 25, 2017

    I love orchids and thanks for the picture of your orchids. They are beautiful. I have good and bad luck with some orchids. I live in Florida and I keep them on an pergola all year long.

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 26, 2017

    love orchis. my hono only has five blooms...but happy I have them

  • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 26, 2017

    Debby, I'm not sure if you received the comments that I started earlier but went off the screen .......anyway, the rainy and cool climate in my town is to the liking of the honohono . Honohono go into a dormant stage and therefore, I do not fertilize and do not water much from December thru February........good luck, Dorothy

  • Sandi Sandi on Mar 27, 2017

    I have 4 different orchids; a creamy white one, a yellow one and 2 pinky purple ones--I keep them in a south window and they get an ice cube every sunday! From Kingston, Ontario, Canada

  • Can12858495 Can12858495 on Mar 27, 2017

    Absolutely gorgeous! Love the color! Wish my green thumb hadn't turned brown... :( I'd love to try my hand at them.

    • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 27, 2017

      I can' t help you with brown thumbs and fingers are all "color-kua" (which is all kinds of color in Hawaiian) from taking care of plants for years. I have attached a photo with taken yesterday. My orchids are grown in the backyard shade-cloth enclosure.

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  • Patty Patty on Mar 27, 2017

    Hi there

    I too have become an orchid lover. I have a blooming phalenopsis right now. I buy almost dead orchids from the grocery store and try to revive them. I have about six right now. They all appear to be happy as they all have green shoots coming out. Is that a good sign? I'm not sure if I should be staking them.

    Suggestions would be great!

    Patty-Scottsdale, Az

  • Linda Linda on Mar 27, 2017

    love your orchids

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    • Dsu21991615 Dsu21991615 on Mar 28, 2017

      Linda, I love your vanda hanging from the tree. My sister has a similar looking one that kinda' grows well in a pot.....her vanda is also now in bloom. I use a mixture of fir bark and Miracle Gro potting soil in planting most of my orchids. Hey, I also raise anthuriums and am sending you a photo....... Dorothy

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  • Jeanette Miller Shade Jeanette Miller Shade on Mar 28, 2017

    Thank you. I'm definitely going to give it a try.

  • Debra Anderson Debra Anderson on Apr 28, 2017