Why can I not have success with tomato plants in a container?

by S_g2508942
My plants become spinley and do not produce a good product. The container is large enough and I only plant one plant per container. They recieve full sun and water, help!!
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 22, 2017


  • Shoshana Shoshana on Mar 23, 2017

    It could be a nutrient issue. A lack of nitrogen in the soil causes tomato plants to become weak and spindly. Because they do not have the necessary nutrients to build healthy plant tissue, the stems fail to develop normally. Try providing them with some nitrogen. Good luck!

  • Dfm Dfm on Mar 23, 2017

    5 gallon pot or larger? a seed starter mix or a potting soil? there is a difference. the seed starter mix has no fertilizer in it. a potting soil may or may not have fertilizer. read the package of potting soil. if no fertilizer....add some! (according to package directions on the fertilizer) i like the granular slow release brands. read and follow directions on package. yes i repeat read packages directions. water deeply. soak your plant but good. then check daily. if you can't hit moisture 2 knuckles down, then water. evenly moist is the term. not drowned or soggy.

  • Shevawn Martin Shevawn Martin on Mar 26, 2017

    Banana skins, coffee grounds and egg shells Oh My!!! I plant in containers also and put a banana skin right in there. Also a little bit of Epsom Salts. Good luck and happy growing.

  • Cheryl Cheryl on Mar 26, 2017

    I am in my 69's now , but when I was in my 20's and my kids were preschool, I worked for my father-in-law who had a wholesale garden center. He grew the most beautiful tomatoes. When the plants were about 4 to 5 inches tall he would replant from the seed pot into a larger about a 5x5 inch pot. In doing this all the leaves were removed from the root to the top leaves leaving only the top leaves. He then planted the small plant all the way into the soil leaving the top leaves above the soil. Keep in mind do not let the top leaves touch the soil keep them about a half inch above the soil. What happens is that roots will grow all up the stem making a stronger plant. As far as the soil is concerned make sure our have a good tomato grade soil and you will want to ertilize according to the kind of tomatoes you are planting. I have always had good luck using his method. Have fun,

  • S_g2508942 S_g2508942 on Mar 26, 2017

    Thank you for your insight!

  • Claude Claude on Mar 27, 2017

    If you are growing in buckets make sure that you empty your soil into a wheelbarrow and add in some compost and a balanced fertilizer. Too MUCH nitrogen and all you'll get is green leaves. If they are spindally..not enough sun...they need6hrs of full sun minimally. Move the pots to where they do.

  • DORLIS DORLIS on Mar 27, 2017

    Feed and water more. They need lots of food to make tomatoes.