Crafternoons: Easter Egg holder- what do you think?

by Jojodalber
From a washcloth to a bunny Easter Egg holder

Roll up one corner to the middle and then roll up the opposite corner to the middle to match.  Roll tight 

Bend in the middle around in half leaving room for a paper cup and put a rubber band around it.

Then Bend backwards to form a face and ears and put on another rubber band tightly.

form the ears and now glue on eyes, pom poms for the wiskers and tail.  Now make two little bows and glue to below the ears  and above the tail pom pom . 

Put in the paper candy cup in the back and fill with an egg, or candy or what ever you would like.

A bunch of bunnies.     Materials needed:  thin wash cloths, rubber bands,  google eyes, ribbon, small white and pink pom poms and small candy paper cups 
  5 answers
  • Corine Bur Corine Bur on Mar 26, 2017


  • Just adorable! I am going to make these for a friends small kids for easter! Adding wash cloths to my shopping list! They ought to have "save" buttons in this section so I can easily find your instructions when I am ready to make these. Or some way to easily relicate at a later date. Since this is an Easter item, should not be hard to find when I am ready. Many thanks! 🐇

    • See 1 previous
    • I am making this week! Also going to make for the kids of my cleaning lady, who is far more than a cleaning professional, she is also my friend. Can't wait! Also discovered I need more googly eyes, and Dollar Tree will have those.

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Mar 27, 2017

    they came out great!!!

  • Thanks for sharing I Love them... they remind me of the 'boo-boo bunnies' we made for the Girl Scouts 25 years ago (you put a small bag of ice where the cup or egg would go), then later for baby shower decorations. They were completed with wiggly eyes, pom-pom noses & tails, and ribbon (blue or pink for baby shower). Isn't it funny that Everything comes back?!

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    • Jojodalber Jojodalber on Mar 28, 2017

      Francesca, it sure is amazing and how cute yours is. Thanks for sharing it

  • Here, I made 3 so far. I could not find wash clothes I liked but I found these at the dollar store.

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