How can I decorate my desk and hide cords?

  5 answers
  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Mar 27, 2017

    This is also something that I think about a lot - I hate the clutter! A few things:

    1. Can you make a hole in your desk like this photo (below)? Then you can put all of your cords down without them stretching across your desk.

    2. Do you have enough storage? I found that I wasn't using all of my drawers/cabinets and there and just putting things that I don't use frequently did a lot for clutter.

    3. I have a framed photo of a painting that I really like and it makes me really happy - photos and art go a long way. Good luck!

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  • Carolyn Williams Carolyn Williams on Mar 27, 2017


    Great ideas. I'm using an antique library table for my desk. On top is my laptop, printer and router. These are messy looking and cumbersome .

  • Jill Miranda Jill Miranda on Mar 28, 2017

    I've also tried to incorporate antique furniture with modern technology. Not exactly the same situation needed to hide a router and cable box on a highboy under a wall mounted TV . Found this decorative box that matched my decor, cut slots in the back and hid things inside.

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  • Carolyn Williams Carolyn Williams on Mar 28, 2017

    cool, I have a wooden box that could do the job with a hole drilled in the back. Thank you

  • Dfm Dfm on Mar 30, 2017

    you can get channels for your cords at local big box home improvement stores. they look like little plastic pipes, with an open seam that you can close up when the cords are in place. keeps my cats from bothering them.