What is a good alternative for grass?

Sherry Winslow
by Sherry Winslow
I have a very small backyard that is really just weeds. I would like to take it out but I don't know what to put in its place. I have a dog that in the summertime likes to lay out there in the sun. I need something inexpensive, pet friendly, durable and no maintenance
  25 answers
  • Denise Denise on Mar 27, 2017

    Plant hostas in the shady sections, and creeping phlox or some other ground cover in the sunny parts. I would think about putting a pallet with a cushion out there for the dog or keeping a small patch of grass there for him to lay out in the sun. Hope this helps.

  • Itsmemic Itsmemic on Mar 27, 2017

    Pea Gravel...hostas around the perimeter. A one time investment.. Rake smooth when needed. Easy Peasy.

    I have dogs too..makes poop patrol SO much easier than grass...and...NO MUD OR DIRT being tracked in.

  • Sherry Winslow Sherry Winslow on Mar 27, 2017

    Pea gravel sounds like a great idea. Especially if it makes poop patrol easier . Thanks for the suggestion.

  • Michelle Michelle on Mar 29, 2017

    Love the ideas, I have a small yard as well and two dogs, I was looking for some ideas creeping plox never thought of planting along the privacy fence I will be planting several rose bushes as well.

  • Shaley Shaley on Mar 29, 2017

    If you mow your yard on the highest level, the grass will grow and choke out weeds. use weed and feed and sow some burmuda grass and that my friend will choke out weeds. OR do the pea gravel or mulch . You baby does need a raised pillow bed to sun on. big dogs like that tend to have sore hips. take them to the pet co and let your baby pick out the pillow or even better sam's club has some huge pillow beds.

    • Sherry Winslow Sherry Winslow on Mar 29, 2017

      I had actually looked at Bermuda grass, so thanks for suggesting it. My lovely girl will be getting a sun bathing area this summer. I have a overhang for my patio and an area there that she can lay in when she needs some shade but she loves lounging in the sun. I was thinking of using a pallet and an outdoor furniture cushion for her

  • Kaye Kaye on Mar 29, 2017

    Plant fast growing shade tree or bush for natural shade for her. Don't go with pine tree variety as they leak sap all over. I have scored big at nurseries by taking "ugly" bushes and giving them a good trim when they are ready.

    She loves the feel of earth and grass if she is anything like mine. I agree with Shaley about mowing grass at highest level. There is rubber mulch from recycled tires that is great. A little pricey but worth it for a small area.

  • Sherry Winslow Sherry Winslow on Mar 29, 2017

    I have looked at rubber mulch but was wondering about the odor from the fur-baby when she pees on it. Can you just hose it down?

    • See 1 previous
    • 861650 861650 on Mar 31, 2017

      Rubber mulch has chemicals in it that can be toxic to humans and dogs. Dogs like to chew on this stuff and sometimes eat or swallow it! will swallow it. Please do your research before you do this. A woman and her daughter became sick with lifelong immune system deficiencies similar to the effects associated with the AIDS virus.

  • Shaley Shaley on Mar 29, 2017

    Sounds great. patio furniture cushions make a great pillow for a pallet, or recycle using foam and a sheet.

  • Erin Erin on Mar 30, 2017

    How about planting some plants that are native to your area? You could put pea gravel paths and areas to encourage the dog to use those areas. Also makes a nice little patio for you!

  • Shaley Shaley on Mar 30, 2017

    Make sure you add lime before a rain it will help. A pallet is a great idea, especially finding one that is smaller and already painted and just needs a good cushion to protect her hips.

  • Elaine Elaine on Mar 30, 2017

    Wooly Thyme is a really nice ground cover, is soft under the feet and smells lovely. It's pretty tough - we planted it on a path that got foot traffic daily. I bet your dog would love laying on it.

  • Lynn Lynn on Mar 30, 2017

    NO Hosta please! "when a dog eats a Hostaplant vomiting, diarrhea and depression can take hold." If you have a small yard, check into the new Astro-turf, aka fake grass. The new versions look & feel like real grass. No mowing, easy maintenance (scoop poo, then rinse) & different types & height are available. And that gorgeous pup will be able to sun without danger of ingesting toxic plants.

    Costco carried rolls of the grass for around a $100 or so last year. Shop around, and see what you can find.

    • Bob Bob on Mar 30, 2017

      The point about poison plants is smack on as dogs do like to eat stuff you would not think of just to be sick and empty their stomachs ,why they do this heaven knows. I would think twice about pallets ,some contain chemicals that aint good for dogs if they like to chew things, maybe some old bricks or breezeblock or even a raised concrete square with cushion on top might be better, easier to clean as well.

  • Lori Lori on Mar 31, 2017

    Cedar mulch is good for animals fleas and ticks hate it.....how about a piece of fake lawn for the dog

  • Norma Bolin Norma Bolin on Mar 31, 2017

    2-4-D from Atwoods will get rid of the weeds and leave the grass. Read instructions for pet until it is dry.

  • Sherry Winslow Sherry Winslow on Mar 31, 2017

    Thank you

  • Kathy Lovenburg Kathy Lovenburg on Mar 31, 2017

    Cute pup!! The cedar mulch or pea gravel are good ideas. I would have a problem with the rubber mulch as I think it would get hotter. And make animal odors smell worse. We use pea gravel in one part of our yard and the dogs are trained to use that area for their "business". We also keep a small covered container where we have a bucket, child size take and a fireplace shovel for regular cleanup.

  • BabyBoomerSC BabyBoomerSC on Mar 31, 2017

    Everyone has given great ideas - why not a combo? Pea gravel for the majority of the yard, synthethic (fake) grass for a section, and mulch another section where you can plant some ground cover that can be walked on/layed on without a problem.

  • Sherry Winslow Sherry Winslow on Mar 31, 2017

    Lol, I totally agree everyone has great ideas. I am going to do a combo. Pea gravel for the majority of the yard with some large stepping stones for interest. A nice bed for her to sunbathe and some ground cover nearby

  • Sheila Custis Sheila Custis on Mar 31, 2017

    Consider a paver patio with small flower beds around it that are easier to maintain. No more mowing or weeding.

    comment photo
  • Earlene Earlene on Apr 01, 2017

    One of my fur babies looks like yours, but ears were cropped when he came to live with me. I use NO pesticides or plants that could make them sick. I would also not use pea gravel since it can be picked up in between paw pads and cause soreness. If you want no grass, Home Depot and Lowes have ground covers that stay short, But due diligence is in order.....research what is acceptable for dogs before you take anything home and plant it where your dog can chew on it. Also, there is a mulch available, Cedar, I think, which does not splinter and hurt the dogs paws. It is a little more expensive, but seems to work well. Also, there are composters designed to be buried to put dog waste in and it will break down...sort of like a mini septic tank. Good luck with your project. PS.....I sewed two beach towels together on one short and both long sides, put Velcro closure on the 2nd short end and stuffed it full of bed pillows. My dog loves it and I can take it apart and wash all pillows and towel cover. Easy care and plenty soft. I used 5 pillows. I purchased the towels at Costco, used my old bed pillows and purchased new pillows for my bed. Worked great and both dogs love it.

    • Sherry Winslow Sherry Winslow on Apr 01, 2017

      Wow, the beach towels and pillows are a great idea for a bed. I like that you can just take it all apart and throw it in the washer and get it clean. I never know what to do with old pillows and I love your idea. Since I sew it'll be a snap to put together. I'm sure she'll love it.


      She came to me without her ears cropped. I love them. So soft.

  • Doug Hardy Doug Hardy on Apr 01, 2017

    We opted for "doggie astroturf". I'm sure it has an official (and better sounding) name, but that's what we call it. There's a layer of gravel and sand underneath and pee just runs right through it. We're pretty diligent about picking up the poop, so we never let that get to be a problem. Our dog loves it!

  • Sherry Winslow Sherry Winslow on Apr 01, 2017

    Thank you for the suggestion

  • Katerina Kal Katerina Kal on Apr 15, 2017

     something that you can hose down easy ro keep clean and keep the fleas at bay with a comfortable out door big pilow

  • Parle Parle on Apr 15, 2017

    All great ideas and suggestions here for minimum maintenance and how to separate the potty area from the rest area. I really think you should save her a grassy spot for her lounging. The ground/grass is both cool and comfy for dogs and the scent is real rather than synthetic. Whichever you choose, I hope you'll update us what you do and give us pics.

  • Nnettat Nnettat on Apr 19, 2017

    Get some WHITE CLOVER seeds. Clover is so much cooler when touched. I'd have a whole yard of clover than grass any day. I'm a barefoot person and clover is so much cooler to the feet. My dogs (also black and will lay in the sun in the summer heat) lay in the clover over the grass. Yes, there will still be some mowing but not anywhere near as often as grass and the mower moves thru it much easier. The clover I have planted in my front yard is starting to take over the grass. (Yay!) White clover grows in sun or shade.

    Clover may not be maintenance free, but it is the coolest to touch option I have found with much less maintenance than grass. Gravel does get as hot as sidewalks in the sun. If it's too hot for your feet, it's too hot for your dog's feet. Also easier on the feet and ankles for both humans and dogs.

    Also... plant Day Lilies along fences. They will choke out the grass (because the bushiness of the plants doesn't allow light under it so no grass, or weeds) to the point no weed wacking is needed.

    Good Luck!