Can formica be painted?

by Patricia
  4 answers
  • William William on Apr 03, 2017

    Yes it can. Where is the formica? Process is different for longevity.

  • Patricia Patricia on Apr 05, 2017

    In the kitchen

  • Beth Greenberg Beth Greenberg on Apr 16, 2017

    I painted my kitchen counters to look like granite. Sand enough to roughen up a bit, then a few coats of Zinsser Bulls Eye 123 water based primer. I used a sea sponge to pounce on the paint (I used acrylic craft paint) to get desired loaok. Let dry and use water based polyacrylic to seal it. I used 4 coats of poly. These are pics of b-4 during and after. They have held up beautifully for over 2 years. Make sure not to put hot pots directly on and always use a cutting board.

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  • Jeri Jeri on Apr 17, 2017

    Wow! Those really do look like granite! Great job!