I need some advise on ground cover, please...

by Mitzie
Our backyard opens to a field which is planted with corn and beans in alternating planting years. Our yard sits about 2 feet higher than the field and is divided from it by a chain link fence. Because of the slope, it is next to impossible to mow. Can anyone recommend a ground cover for this area that requires little water and can survive with part to full sun?
  4 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 04, 2017

    Creeping sedums would work as they are very little maintenance and require minimal water.

  • LorriLJ LorriLJ on Apr 04, 2017

    Creeping thymes are great too. You can walk on them and they smell great. They spread over time and choke out the grass.

  • Kathy Kathy on Apr 04, 2017

    Creeping Myrtle (Vinca Major) grows easily, get a cutting and stick it in the ground, water, for the 1st week every other day, then water when yu think about it, you can't kill it (like Ivy) it does have blueish-purple flowers in Spring, just keep it trimmed or it will take over your yard!!! Keeping it in a planter is advised unless you want to cover all your land,. Mint is also Pretty and is hard to kill.


  • Ginger the farm gal Ginger the farm gal on Apr 23, 2017

    Periwinkle or ivy, spreads fast and always green