How can I have lots of pretty stuff without clutter?

How to have lots of little pretties....But without it looking cluttered! Thank you!
  5 answers
  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Apr 05, 2017

    Hi Ellen! Do you want to grow them in pots?

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Apr 06, 2017

    You can make pretty, small containers and scatter them through your house so that they don't take over but still give you that special touch, I love these for example

  • Sally Sally on Apr 07, 2017

    display alike things together rather than scattered around. Our eye likes to have spots to rest. You can store some and rotate them back out. Enjoy your pretties. One persons clutter is another's pretty.

  • Jennifer Jennifer on Apr 15, 2017

    You pose a good question I think you should look though your "pretties" and decide what you really want to keep out for show. Some things might have been pretty years ago but style and taste change.

  • Shirley Heikkinen Shirley Heikkinen on Apr 17, 2017

    It seems when I rotate pretty things I appreciate them more when I haven't seen them in a while. The down side to this is having room to store them. When you tire of an item gift it to a friend or family member who has admired it. If you want it to be more than a hand-me-down, you could write a poem to go with it, or if it's a vase put flowers in it, or candies in a cup and saucer. Share the wealth.