Anyone happen to know of any non-toxic houseplants for cats?

by Rebecca
  4 answers
  • Is your cat a plant eater? The reason I ask is because I have 6 rescues and my house is full of plants, one or two types that can make them sick. None of them care one bit. Never even had an issue with them knocking over plants or anything else for that matter. I am sure others have better answers, but I would just Googie "Cat safe plants" and see what you may have to choose from. Then narrow the list by the light and climate conditions in your home.

  • Jill Willoughby Jill Willoughby on Apr 11, 2017

    I have 3 cats and never worry about them eating my plants. I know some that they are poisonous like dephenbacia, poinsietta, and lilies. They like to eat green plants to make them throw up the hair balls. They eat my fern, and shamrock. They never eat more than a leaf or so. I've had cats all my life and they have never been sick or died from any of my plants.

  • Dfm Dfm on Apr 11, 2017

    cat nip or catmint as it's known in some areas. a pot of rye grass for hair balls.

  • Ruth Ruth on Apr 11, 2017

    I had a cat a while back who pulled any toxic plants out by the roots and laid them down neatly beside their pot. Very funny.

    • Dfm Dfm on Apr 11, 2017

      they're just taking care of their pet person! seriously one of our half Siamese cats used to howl if a pan of soup or any boiled over on the stove. if a stranger came to the door after dark- more vocals....