I have a new privacy fence and want to decorate it in good taste..

by Ros14338317
Any ideas? my yard is smal, but very cozy
  7 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 12, 2017

    Do you like to plant? Do you just want garden decorations? I think you need to explain what your goal is???

  • Paula Marie Hyde Paula Marie Hyde on Apr 13, 2017

    An idea that I saw somewhere, and always thought was charming...

    use old purses as flower pots, and then hang the purses from nails hammered into the fence.

    I always thought it was a cute idea.

  • BabyBoomerSC BabyBoomerSC on Apr 13, 2017

    I'd have a 4-5 foot (deep) flower bed running all along your fence. Plant with various shrubs, flowers, and decor. I'd go for all kinds of different things -- plant bulbs so you have things blooming early in the year/season and then intersperse shrubs (flowering and not flowering) along with perrenials that will come back year after year. Incorporate a bird bath or a fountain in the corner, as well as an area with large rocks and flowers blooming up behind and next to them.

    Or if that isn't your goal....you can buy hanging baskets/pots and fill with colorful flowers and attach them to your fence in various places with brackets.

    In my mind, I see the fence as a backdrop, not a canvas for decorating but that's just me.

  • DB DB on Apr 13, 2017

    Where do you live and what kind of sun/ wind does your fence get?

    One thing that comes to mind is Clematis-they like their feet in the shade and heads in the sun- so can be a very pretty & easy care. Tell us more --maybe send a pic.

  • David David on May 10, 2017

    We also have a small yard, and bought metal flowers and insects from the dollar store. They are 6-10 inches, and look nice. Also, a few small plastic planters hung from fence add a nice touch.

  • Susie Lee Susie Lee on May 10, 2017

    Here are a few photos to get your creative juices flowing for you.

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  • D fuhrman D fuhrman on Jun 06, 2017

    how about planters hanging from your support posts?