I have an old wooden farm table with too many layers of paint on it...

by Chris
I have an old wooden farm table that has too many layers of paint to refinish. I would like to use it in my kitchen but would like to do something unique on the top of it. Any ideas??🌺
  7 answers
  • MadameRã MadameRã on Apr 13, 2017

    Why not go one last colour for legs basically//using a primer/colour spray for metal based items/ go metal also in shade, (it holds better).. Now get creative & find little leaves & flowers of plastic pieces from 2 dollarshops,things that you like to blend;stick them on in massess on the table..use a pre-rust metalic small sample pot for the sizes of the table/then cover with clear paint... *Now the only expence & depending where you are is a piece of perspex;measure & get a piece cut(& ask for polishing the cut edges)..after your flower & leave arrangements have dried then place your perspex on///*I liked to use a clear silicone & place a small drop on each corner;used bricks wrapped in cloth to hold down..i also neatly siliconed the sides (very neatly) once the corners were dry...all this is optional as it can just be placed on top & nothing else.. additionally if plastic greenery doesn't do it for you maybe something like coin collections/cards/love letters/ anything" that has meaning to you, or IS art for you...

    •Once something has been painted so much sometimes its better to totally think outside the box to make use of materials again..

    my idea cost me under 60 Aus dollars to do something very similar as you have shown.


  • Jeri Jeri on Apr 13, 2017

    I would just sand it in places to let different paint colors show through and then clear coat it. I just love this look and it would be your easiest solution.

  • Linda Linda on Apr 13, 2017

    I share Jeri's idea. Shabby Chic it. Sanding edges is a lot easier.

  • Chris Chris on Apr 13, 2017

    Thanks so much for your diy ideas. Now which one to use?? Lol !!🌺

  • Joanie Joanie on Apr 13, 2017

    How about adding another wooden top over it? Combine them in a way that you like? Maybe add a border between the two layers?

  • Diana of all Trades Diana of all Trades on Apr 16, 2017

    I highly recommend using chalk based paint and wax and distressing to make it look its age. There are large stencils that you can use to put a design on with using either a different color of paint or just wax. Check out the pic of what I did below. Chalk based paint doesn't require sanding orecommend using chalk based paint and wax and distressing to make it look its age. There are large stencils that you can use to put a design on with using either a different color of paint or just wax. Check out the pic of what I did below. Chalk based paint doesn't require sanding or stripping unless there is old peeling paint.

    I use and recommend Heirloom Traditions products. There are over 50 colors of paint to choose from, over a dozen wax colors, and sealants. You MUST seal any table that is likely to hold drink glasses (regardless of what other chalk paint companies say - I've seen what happens)! Save 10% off by using code DSD at www.HeirloomTraditionsPaint.com

    Tutorials are available at http://howto.htpaint.com/videos-tutorials/ and The Graphics Fairy. I have lots of paint ideas at www.pinterest.com/slaterzoo in the Chalk Based Paints folder. It's really easy, I promise.

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  • Dmotan Dmotan on Apr 17, 2017

    Whatever u choose to do please keep in mind the previous paint very likely has lead in it. If u sand it the lead dust is very dangerous.