by Cynthia
For YEARS I have been searching for a reasonable priced wooden ladder. Can the owners of these lovely pieces let me know where they found theirs? Thanks in advance! You all are the best!
  6 answers
  • Susan Susan on Jan 05, 2014
    @Cynthia , I've seen them in thrift stores in my area. Not often, but they have popped up.
  • Millie Millie on Jan 06, 2014
    Yard sales. I just had the two 8 foot sections of a chippy wood extension ladder mounted up high on the wall as shelves in my antique booth. I plan to put 6 foot and 8 foot ladders to sell in my booth for those who would like to use them for shelves also.
  • Elaine Elaine on Jan 06, 2014
    yard sales,swap meets and we have craigs list
  • Pat S Pat S on Jan 06, 2014
    I too have been looking for years. A friend of mine found a lovely chippy 12 foot ladder in a barn of an estate sale. She measured and cut it i half and gave me half. She is going to hang hers from the ceiling in the kitchen, I'm going to use mine for throw blankets....I like Millie 's idea for hanging on the wall!
  • Connie Demerchant Connie Demerchant on Jan 06, 2014
    I have made my own using 1*3 lumber.Very easy to do.also did one from barn board lumber
    comment photo
  • Nikki Nikki on Jan 07, 2014
    I bought 2 at a local antique store $20 each, and a friend of mine bought hers at a flea market, Good Luck =)