What can I do with this bathroom?!

Rose Tovey
by Rose Tovey
This house was built in 1990. The MBR bath is on the small side, almost 5' by almost 10'
Tub/shower at one end, vanity sink at the other. Toilet near the tub. I think the problem is that the door swings in, and just misses the toilet by maybe an inch. Wish they had done a pocket door when the house was built...but to retrofit a pocket door is $$$$. So any other suggestions? Maybe something you have done to make the room feel bigger? Picture? Thanks!
  5 answers
  • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Apr 15, 2017

    Hi Rose!!! Can you share a photo so we can brainstorm better? We have a similar problem with our door just missing the toilet and no real way to move anything or replace the door. Something that really helped me feel better about it was painting the wall with the toilet and putting a nice painting there, because then my eyes go there instead of down...

  • Punkin Punkin on Apr 16, 2017

    Our master bathroom was the same way. My husband just rehung the door to open out, not in and boy do we have extra room now. it took a little while to get used to but we wouldn't have it any other way.


    My thought exactly! While it may not solve all the issues Rose has with her bathroom, it is the quickest, easiest and least expensive solution to her problem of the door barely missing the toilet when opened. Also Rose, to make the bathroom look bigger, paint your ceiling a bright white, your walls a soft color (a nice soft grey would be nice) and the trim in bright white. If you like color, bring that in with your accessories. And avoid too much clutter, even on the walls - that serves to make the room seem smaller and confined. Best I can do with no actual picture of your bathroom to work from but I hope these ideas will help some. Good Luck!

  • Sharon Sharon on May 11, 2017

    If the door has to swing in, could you get another door, and have it hinged on the opposite side to open flat on the wall? I think your best bet to get personality is your color selection and accessorizing. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AU4nFjXPheorVs06NkP0N8-OkedsjZS1MO05HEuhz5w30r4gbGiOjdI/

  • Rose Tovey Rose Tovey on May 11, 2017

    Here are 4 pictures. Reversing the door so it opens into the bedroom is a good idea we will consider. (They probably didn't have the door open toward the vanity, thinking a view of the vanity is better than a view of the toilet.) I accidentally clicked the problem resolved button, and see no way to cancel it.

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