Self tanner stained my carpet!

Does anyone know how I would get this out of my carpet? Taupe carpeting.
  3 answers
  • William William on Apr 16, 2017

    Dishwashing soap is often engineered to remove grease stains, and let's face it lotions of all kind typically are very greasy.

    Mix a solution of one teaspoon of Dawn liquid dish detergent with two cups of warm water and half cup of vinegar. Dip a clean white cloth, sponge or soft bristle brush in the solution and work it into the carpet. Start at the outside edge of the stain and move toward the center. Keep blotting with white paper towels as the tanner is transferred out of the carpet.

    Be sure to rinse the area because the soapy solution can attract additional soil. "Rinse" by dipping a clean sponge or cloth in cool water and blot the stained area well. Use white paper towels to absorb all the moisture.

  • Annie Annie on Apr 17, 2017

    I have great luck with both "Spot Shot" and Oxyclean, which has directions for the right concentration for carpets on the container.

  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on Apr 29, 2017

    If the above suggestions fail, try lemon juice , the real stuff not out of the bottle . Most self tanners say on the package if you forget to wash it off your hands , apply too much , get it on your clothes , etc . To use lemon juice directly on the stain.