Advice on re-upholstering...

Hey y'all!
My husband's aunt just dropped off this neat old chair (apparently it was my husband's great-great-grandmother's telephone chair). I love it, but would like to re-upholster the cushion. I had this fabric laying around and think it works for the chair. My question is... In your opinion, should I do the whole chair (seat cushion, back cushion, chair bottom) with this fabric, or use contrasting fabric for parts of it? Also I have reupholstered only one other thing, so any advice would be welcome! Thanks!
Original (or at least how it came to me) fabric
Flower power
  15 answers
  • Z Z on Jan 06, 2014
    What a great chair and fun fabric. It depends on the rest of the room it's in, but I think it would be fun to mix it up.
  • Nancy Hinds Nancy Hinds on Jan 06, 2014
    It 'does' depend on the rest of the room... Most decorator's ideas are to use a plain base fabric for the large pieces and liven up the chair with the bright fabric on pillows or a draped lap quilt. And if the chair is used often, the print may get soiled.
  • Moxie Moxie on Jan 06, 2014
    Good luck on your project how fun! It is so up to personal preference; I too think I would keep the bottom and maybe even bottom cushion very neutral and add the accent fabric for the pillow. Later if you want to change it up it would be easier and go for a fabric that is super easy to maintain and neutral for the foundation of the chair. I think I would also add a few pillows in solid colors of the flower fabric.
  • It will be so cute! I would do the entire chair...
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jan 07, 2014
    Love these old chairs done in fun fabrics...go for it. The finish looks great on this chair so I would leave it original.
  • Melissa Holderread Melissa Holderread on Jan 07, 2014
    Thank you all! I think I have decided to do the big cushion with the flower fabric with contrasting piping, and I will do the small back cushion and the bottom of the chair with a solid (matching the piping on the cushion). I'm debating green, yellow, or blue... I think it will depend on which room it ends up in! I am definitely leaving the finish alone, I love it :) Further advice still welcome of course!
  • Julia Forbes Julia Forbes on Jan 08, 2014
    @Melissa Holderred It's a French Empire bergère chair. I'd go with keeping with the flavor of the chair...maybe a French Country check? I'd also think about painting the woodwork antique white. A stripe or toile? If you go online and look under bergere chair you'll see many examples. You might consider having a full back pillow made for a really comfy feeling (using the other as an accent lumbar pillow).
  • Julia Forbes Julia Forbes on Jan 08, 2014
    @ Melissa Holderred Here's a very formal style
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  • Julia Forbes Julia Forbes on Jan 08, 2014
    Here's a sample of a cute purple and green check....
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  • Julia Forbes Julia Forbes on Jan 08, 2014
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  • Marlene Miller Marlene Miller on Jan 08, 2014
    Cane chair ! Use painter's drop cloth as the fabric , after it has been washed soft of course !
  • DeMarie I DeMarie I on Jan 08, 2014
    I bought a very similar chair at a flea market. I've recovered the chair and bottom in the same pattern (a heavy upholstery fabric in a sort of paisley in deep greens & golds with a touch of red in it & used a gold cording around the edge of the seat), I will make a pillow in a nubby texture fabric that picks up one of the colors in the seat pattern, The side caning was torn on my chair, so I've purchased a sheet of caning and the spline and will replace the torn caning. I want to paint the chair, just haven't decided what color to go with yet. It's a great side chair. What you've decided on sounds great, also. Have fun! It's a great keepsake, and the nice thing is it doesn't take much fabric and you can always change it again if you eventually want to change your color scheme.
  • Susan burns Susan burns on Aug 03, 2015
    I don't like the flowered print but I do like the idea of a drop cloth that way u can paint what ever u pattern u like r just leave it n u might decide to paint later just to change it up. I lov the chair
  • Mickey Baron Mickey Baron on Jan 16, 2016
    I have one similar that I just bought @ Goodwill..$10.00. That's why I was SO excited to see your question. I think I'm going to whitewash mine. And find some pretty, "Gay Parie" fabric for the seat cushion. This floral of yours kinda falls short. It's pretty, just maybe not for this project.?? Cuz it's such a deep cushion, (so is mine.)
  • Luanna Luanna on Jan 17, 2016
    I think the only way you might get away with using the flowered fabric you're showing, is if you painted out the chair wood and caning in a bright color like the turquoise or green from the fabric. That would give it a completely fun and funky look. However, depending on any sentimental attachment to the piece, it would be a shame to change the color of the wood and caning if you like the patina on it. If you're looking to keep it looking more traditional, and in keeping with the STYLE of the chair, then you would be wise to find a beautiful, sophisticated floral or a solid, neutral fabric, like the drop cloth idea someone else suggested.