Asked on Apr 17, 2017

Chickens in the garden?

Rachel Helberg
by Rachel Helberg
We have free range chickens. It has come to a time that we may have to limit their "range"...their fav spots to dig are now our garden plots. We have tried all kinds of things to keep them out of the gardens (or at least on the paths), only to have young plants ripped out right after transplanting them. We have 20 acres for them to roam on, but they prefer our areas. We do have fences around them, but the chickens keep going over..any suggestions would be helpful!??
The chickens scratch.  The guineas just target bugs, small rodents, and snakes.
  5 answers
  • Lgr9562247 Lgr9562247 on Apr 17, 2017

    I put up a 36 inch chicken wire fence around my garden - kept out the chickens and the wild rabbits.

  • Reiner MacPhail Reiner MacPhail on Apr 18, 2017

    Did you ever think, of surrounding your garden with an electric fence? I'm on only 1 acre, and I keep my chickens fenced In with electric ⚡️ poultry netting. You can buy it online or at your local feed store.

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  • Jo Anne Cooney Cripe Jo Anne Cooney Cripe on Apr 18, 2017

    We also have free range chickens who "discover" the garden each year and wreak havoc. Our best solution is to clip their wings. It doesn't hurt them, but makes it harder/impossible to fly over the fence (you do still need a fence around your garden, of course). Here are some instructions:>

  • Sue Willaims Sue Willaims on Apr 19, 2017

    You could make a wire tunnel where you want your chickens to roam in and around your garden. It does not have to be very high and they will still be free range!

  • Reiner MacPhail Reiner MacPhail on Apr 19, 2017

    Thank you! I still want to add some shrubs and trees to the area. But it's a work in progress.

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