Any ideas on how to keep flys away?

by Jen22183442
  5 answers
  • Lynn Lynn on Apr 18, 2017

    i use Ultra Shield inside, outside & on my animals. I purchased mine at a local Feed store. It's a little pricy @ $33 quart, but I've had my bottle for 3 years. whenever I see an invasion of flies, I lightly mist my patio area in the air, and spray directly on the underside on my gazebo & spray my dogs too. I can tolerate a fly or 2, but anything more is bye-bye flies! (If spraying during a heavy infestation period, be sure to keep your iced tea glass elsewhere, flies were dropping like rain 🤢) 😊

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  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 18, 2017

    Where are the flies?

  • Huh, I have never seen this . . . Thanks!

  • Barbara Lynn Vaughan Barbara Lynn Vaughan on Apr 21, 2017

    A friend swears by hanging a bag of pennies near the openings of doors. She said the flies won't come inside

  • Kathy Bitzan Kathy Bitzan on Apr 29, 2017

    Feed stores have excellent ideas. My dad use to purchase some granules he would set out. Sorry I can't recall the name. I had some at one time years ago..