How do you care for an indoor corn plant?

by Melanie
  5 answers
  • Water every 7 to 10 days. I stick my finger in the soil a good inch or so, if it feels dry, I give it some water. Love them as they can tolerate low light and always look nice.

  • Shoshana Shoshana on Apr 20, 2017

    These are great house plants! Take care not to over water or over fertilize. They'll want a container that allows for drainage. Also try to keep them away from drafts and direct sun so as not to scorch the leaves.

  • Anne Knaggs Anne Knaggs on Apr 20, 2017

    Cut a hole in the floor so it doesn't hit the ceiling! My bad couldn't help myself.

  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Apr 20, 2017

    Mine takes little/no care. When it got too tall I cut off the top newest growth and stuck the top part in the soil. It is the best looking corn plant in the pot.

  • Marcia Marcia on Apr 21, 2017

    Hold back on water if the leaf tips turn brown. Most are killed of damaged by overwatering