Asked on Jan 06, 2014

Small closet storage problems

Tina Marie
by Tina Marie
i need some help on organizing my bedroom closet.It's small I can't remodel being that I'm a renter and it's got lots of stuff in it...LOTS! I can't/won't throw any of it away it's too sentimental to me. I know 'pack-rat'. Any ideas would oh so helpful...please? Thanks
my closet
my overly stuffed closet
  19 answers
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jan 07, 2014
    If you cannot attach anything to the walls, then you are stuck with using floor space. One good thing is that with people going to flat screens to hang on the wall, beautiful TV cabinets are being sold very cheaply. You will be surprised at how much room these things have. My linens for my bed are stored underneath mine, along with my summer shorts. In the cabinet next to it are my business files! Messy? Yes. Do I care? NO! Close the doors and all is beautiful. This expensive Chinese motif cabinet (near $1,000) was purchased for $125 New because one of the doors was sticking...hubby planed it! My daughter got one free a neighbor was giving away...yep, they got a wall mounted TV!. You can actually put these cabinets behind a chair in the living room because most of this stuff you don't need on a daily basis! Then the shelves would be free for bins of sweaters, shoes, etc. Even an old chest of drawers can be used in the dining room as a side board or in the kitchen as an island! Use your imagination! Good luck!
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  • Jan Posey Comer-Shipman Jan Posey Comer-Shipman on Jan 07, 2014
    using CLEAR bins is always a good way to start so that you can see what is in them, wrap the fragile stuff with bubble wrap (free if you order things on line) or you can place the really fragile items in a plastic bag, then use paper from a paper shredder to pack around them. If you do not want to buy the bins, check out with family and friends that work in offices, the boxes that reams of paper come in are GREAT for storage. Also these can be "decorated" with wrapping paper stacked at angles and become part of your decor! Sometimes we forget about storing in plain sight! Do not miss out on the storage that you have under your bed! You can even get risers for a minimal cost to lift the bed slightly then store in bins (some have rollers on the bottom) those things that you use rarely.
  • Do you have a dresser? Do you have room in another room for a dresser? Can you display your Geisha dolls? You need to have the same size boxes on the top shelf to maximize space. As the landlord if you can put up a shelf that you will leave when you move. Go to yard sales or thrift stores to look for a shelf to display your Geishas. Google wonder hangers and get some! They will give you more hanging space and I would hang more things on hooks behind the clothes like you already started~bras, scarves, belts, etc. I would not hang pants because it takes up a lot of room. I would use the shelf above the hanging clothes or a dresser for pants. If you have room for a dresser in another room, you could use it to store extra sheets, blankets, and stuff to get it out of your closet. I would use that square metal box as a night stand or table in another room~paint it or drape it with tablecloth or fabric. That wooden box on the shelf could go on top of a dresser as another storage piece. I would use the bins on the shelf above the hanging. Under the clothes you could find a wooden shoe shelf to hold shoes or even jeans. If the bedroom is small think about putting your bed up on bed risers (Walgreens and Walmart have them under $10) and then you can find boxes or the under the bed boxes or plastic bins to put more stuff there. Hope these ideas help!
  • Maria Besonia Maria Besonia on Jan 07, 2014
    TJ Max/Marshals/Home Goods ....all of them carry a really good pants hanger save tons space !!!!
  • Debra Walters Debra Walters on Jan 07, 2014
    I have the same problems. Use an add on multilevel hanging rod and clear stackable drawers under and on sides of closet.
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    • Annette C Annette C on Jan 08, 2014
      @Debra Walters I really like your style in postings, I'm learning
  • Susan Cryor Susan Cryor on Jan 08, 2014
    i looked at photos. Said WOW, you have some of the exact..identical dolls from Japan as I do. Totally understand the sentimental feeling! Purchase one of those cheap cabinets, with shelves and doors. U can paint it. Fold up and put in clothing "not in season" you can take it with you when you move, they hold a lot! Add another wooden rod, a shorter one, they are cheap, tying it to the existing one and drop it below with rope you will have double the space and you can hang pants under tops. Still having rest of rod for dresses and longer clothing.
  • Shirley Shirley on Jan 08, 2014
    You can use A tab off of A soda can, just put one hole over the hanger and A second hanger through the other hole. You can hang sets of clothes on one hanger and will save A little space. Hope I helped. ps. for your dolls maybe turn vases upside down over them and save space wondering where to put your vases, and dolls are protected.
  • Annette C Annette C on Jan 08, 2014
    I used those wire cubs, made the bottoms open for shoes & bag's & next layer with the tops open making bends for socks & things, completely up to you how they are to be stacked & the little plastic joints can be replaced as the break with age. To add to the soda tab idea, you can use a length of light chain to string the hangers together. I miss those muti hangers they had in the 70's but they are making a come back in plastic. One bedroom I had was so small I put the dresser in the closet, but that's no help, lol I'm adding a pic of mine Cuz you showed me your's, lol
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  • Teresa Paxton Teresa Paxton on Jan 08, 2014
    To help with making your closet look and feel more organized you need to start with getting all the same type of hangers. Look for a strong hanger that is ultra thin. I like Joy Mangano Huggable Hangers. They are thin, strong and will hold delicate items as well as bulky things. They have the 4 bar hanger as Debra suggested for your pants as well as standard items. You can get them at Target stores or online in bulk packs which will be a bit easier to change over cost wise. I don't have closets like yours any more to show you how I use to grab the extra shelf space out of it. But I used to make a temp shelf by getting a board at each end of the closet and extending it out to the other wall. It would then create with the original shelf a U shaped shelf within the closet. Usually I'd never even ask the landlord if I could screw in a small 2" x 4" board with those hooks like you have in the back for belts. The 2" width would hold the board which usually was only an extra 6" - 12" , depending on the closet. But every inch counts, and it's the height that you want above it. With it you gain a nice little area to hang a few scarves or belts as well, or a bathrobe, or purses below it. Usually depending on the depth of your closet and yours looks good you can get 2 - 3 hooks in there. Also find those stick up battery powered lights to put up. Getting better light in there would help. There are the stick kind for under the cabinet in kitchens which you can put up on the underside of board as well. So the board can go with you when you move. I'd also repaint the closet afterwards a bright white to make it look larger and fresh. I don't know what's being stored in that long wooden box on the first shelf. If it's movable and the shelf above is stable I would move it above. This would give you a flat surface to place items on top of it and allow it to create like a third shelf. Any time you can get a box style item that can be placed below with a drawer like front so you can use the top of it like a new shelf. More storage surface on top, and space within. Looking at the 2nd picture labeled "my overstuffed closet" it looks like you have one of those hanging clothes protectors. It holds like 6 or 7 things I think? If so then change it over to individual ones. They take less space than the large one. Look for the one with a full cotton cover it's better for your clothing. Organize your clothes, look at length of them. It's weird but if you can place longer clothes together and the shorter ones it helps with making your closet look larger. This also helps with allowing you to create a space below the shorter clothes for any kind of storage space. I have a messy closet because I have too much for my space. But see my space below and how I have added items that will allow me to use that space. It is two different pieces together. The tall white shelving is also two pieces stacked. I wish I could use Joy's hangers but better half can't stand the texture, he has a thing about velvet stuff. Behind those items is about 10" of space which I have stored those space bags of clothes, cloths, odd linens and fabric for future projects. Hopefully I gave you an idea or two to help. Good luck. :)
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    • GardenGypsy GardenGypsy on Jan 12, 2014
      @Teresa Paxton Great idea I too am moving into very small place and have WAAAy too much stuff so have noted what you said thx!
  • Jean DeSavage Jean DeSavage on Jan 09, 2014
    If you're like me, your budget is always smaller than what you need, so ingenuity has to do the work. You don't show what your room is like and what kind of storage and space you have there. As small as your closet is, maybe it's best used for stackable things. Do you have room for a cabinet that you could put your hanging clothes in, or use it to put the stacking things in? If you already have a couple of dressers that are of similar height you could put a board across the top and put a tension rod with a curtain between them to hide things stacked behind it. The board (home stores have cheap ones available) then gives you room to show your dolls, thus freeing up space in the closet. For storage, always think UP! You can make/use those cheap cube things on top of dressers/tables to give you places to store things. Peg boards, cork boards with hooks, metal grids with S hooks allow you to hang all kinds of things, purses, scarves, jewelry. Don't forget the doors. Over the door units like shoe pockets, and pantry racks are great ways to extend your storage options. How much space is there between the door to your closet and the clothes? Maybe you could hang one of those things you use in a laundry room to hang clothes just out of the dryer. Some things do better folded rather than hung, like sweaters, sweat shirts, sweats, and tees. The other thing to think about with clothes is, if you haven't worn it in at least a year, either store it or get rid of it. Someone else could always use it!
  • Just 4 You Organizing Just 4 You Organizing on Jan 11, 2014
    Are you able to take out what in the closet if so the Container Store did have a stand on it own system that you can shelving and two tiered hanging. If not they have a double hanging rod you can attach to the one there to get a two tiered affect. Adding different levels will help
  • Cindy Cindy on Jan 11, 2014
    We put some reclaimed wood shelving about 1 foot from the ceiling, you could show off your dolls and anything else in there that is special to you without taking up very much wall space and no floor space....if your landlord will allow the shelving, maybe if you agree to take it down and patch and touch up paint when you move.....good luck!
  • Palmira Giordno Palmira Giordno on Jan 11, 2014
    If you have the room you can you can store your holiday items in the same size boxes place the boxes behind your couch and cover it and you have a couch table to display pictures, plants, or whatever you like
  • Just 4 You Organizing Just 4 You Organizing on Jan 12, 2014
    Also Target has the add a another rod handing system and some other alternatives
  • Carolyn Carolyn on Jan 12, 2014
    I just heard this tip for a small closet which I have but I haven't tried this yet. u use the flip top of a soda or beer can. then u put ur hanger thru the hole. then u can put another hanger thru the second hole in the flip top. so that u are using half of the space in ur closet for clothes. I didn't really explain that well if u need more help please ask me again.
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    • Momlandrs Momlandrs on Jun 13, 2015
      @Carolyn so put a hanger through the big hole of the pop tab then another hanger through the smaller hole of the pop tab. Doubling the clothes in half the space.
  • Cynthia E Cynthia E on Jan 12, 2014
    Besides working on getting organizers for your closet to help make more room, have you considered taking the sentimental pieces (clothing, dolls, decor etc) and trying to find a cabinet, frames, shelves etc. that you could get those out of the closet and re-purposed into your home decor. Like clothing --you will never wear can be made into throw pillows or stretched over canvases as art or even hung on walls as is depending on what type of clothing it is.
  • Judy Judy on Jun 13, 2015
    I would start by changing your hangers,to slimline type, several people here made the suggestion. You'd be pleasantly surprise at how much space you gain. They even have attachments to convert them to skirt hangers, or multi-level hangers. . There are shelves you can hang from the rod for your bags, sweaters, t-shirts, some light things on the top shelf, etc. I love space bags (the real kind not cheap imitation) notice some things on the floor, in some plastic storage, that can go into space bags. Command hooks hold a lot, yet leave no marks when you take them down. Suggest hanging your hats on a wall or around the closet frame, make it part of your decoration. Narrow wire shelving unit will fit in the dead space to the left inside your closet; sometimes they have stackable units. You have something in that space, but this would better organize them, and probably give you added space. Hey post pictures of your solution.
  • Kat Ritorto Kat Ritorto on Jun 14, 2015
    Hi there, I too have TONS OF STUFF! No you don't have to throw it out! I have a small bedroom and closet area so I "lifted" the bed on bed risers, giving me space for two (stacked) long rubbermaid dust proof plastic containers. I have room for 6 under my queen bed! Stash clothes, linens, shoes, winter summer clothing in them giving you more space in the closet. Next, spend the money and invest in the thin velvet slip type hangers. More room for clothing. Next Plastic shoe containers and the next size up for boots and dolls plus. I suggest all see through so you get the visual when you are searching for something. Try and run a light to your shelf, it helps when looking and gives off a nice glow in the evening for your bedroom. I hope this helps, it is working for me, good luck! Kat =^.^=
  • Debi53 Debi53 on Jun 14, 2015
    Your closet is "prime" real estate space. Don't use it for souvenirs. Put up shelving or a tall bookcase to display your prized mementos so that you can see & enjoy them. Store things in unconventional ways: group 3 covered baskets of different heights in a corner, use a trunk in place of a coffee table, etc.