How can I restore a yard now covered in weeds?

by Ann22409889
The city put in new sidewalks and replaced the soil on the side of my yard with soil full of Johnson grass and thistel to name a few of the most annoying weeds! Help!
  3 answers
  • Oh dear me, well if you are unable to clear it out yourself, get friends and family to help, or hire out. Then just plain start over. Now you will have a clean slate and can start fresh again with grass or whatever you wish.

  • Tammy Maas Tammy Maas on Apr 21, 2017

    A good start would be killing the weeds, adding some fresh dirt & planting grass seed. Or if you are impatient like me, consider sod.

  • Inetia Inetia on Apr 23, 2017

    If there was a lawn before the weeds you may be able to revive it if it hasn't been too long. If there is evidence of yellow or brown grass and if the weeds are broad leafed, you can kill the weeds with Spectracide broad leaf herbicide after which you can water and fertilize the grass.