I want to plant a corner portion of my yard for the bees...

Linda J. Martin
by Linda J. Martin
but it's on the street. I'd like a sign and a way to prevent the dogs from running through which also adds charm. Im about entry level on the crafty scale. Simple charming ideas??
  2 answers
  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Apr 22, 2017

    I would make a barrior around it to keep the dogs out

  • Inetia Inetia on Apr 23, 2017

    I have lots of bees in my yard. They love my raspberry plants and we often have breakfast together. They like my plum tree and anything that has flowers. A hummingbird feeder and a bird bath will add charm, as will a water station for bees. And I love your idea about signs. If a fence isn't an option, large planter boxes and benches can deter dogs. Shepherd's hooks can be used to hang bird feeders and flower baskets.

    Google 'solitary bees' for your state and learn about the back yard bee. Mason bees are gentle friendly back yard bees if you have them where you live. You can buy or learn to make your own bee houses. Good luck and have fun.

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